Goudurix: The worst steel coaster in the world (?)

I actually had the immense displeasure of riding the Santa's Village Typhoon's less maintained twin brother in Italy. The OTSR actually popped half way open on the lift hill, and I actually had to ride all the way arond the track hanging on for dear life! I was beaten up pretty badly but, I tried a different seat after returning to the station. I got beat up again for my troubles!

Gouderix is the only coaster I rank lower.

After nearly breaking my neck in the "butterfly," the rest of the coaster was incredibly painful. Again, I thought maybe it was just a bad seat/row, and I tried another. Tears came to my eyes from the pain inflicted by this ride.

Even though I am in ACE, I'm not soft-skinned, I actually really like Flashback!

Millions of pornstars can't be wrong!
I haven't been on a painful steal coaster since I was very small and got knocked around by Mr. Freeze in Stl. This was pre-lap bars. The only roller coaster I have ever thrown a fit about after getting off was SoB, for the simple fact that I was too tall and my knees were getting drilled by the damn metal seat backs. I say PKI take the height limit off the frisbee and put it on SoB. No one my height should ever have to experience that.

Down is the new up.
Sean likes everyone. It's his biggest flaw, but also his most endearing quality. :)

Um.....thanks. I guess?

Nice acting job on the latest DVD. =:^)

-Sean (who doesn't like everyone)

It's pretty brutal. I'd read ahead of time that it wasn't too friendly so I rode without the wife. Good thing, too. It was certain a beating I wouldn't care to repeat.
LOL thanks Sean.. and that was ALL compliment. I wish I had your patience. ;)

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