In regards to the Wonder Wheel - the best deal is the 5 rides for 18 bucks ticket - (a ride on the Wonder Wheel is $5/per person - so you could also ride their Dragon coaster or take a spin on Spook-A-Rama (classic, but run-down, Pretzel dark ride).
Other things not to miss - if it's open the B&B Carousel - it's across the street on Surf Avenue and has a ring machine, and it's also quite fast - 2 other significant flats are their Zipper (the only in the country that will let you ride alone) and the classic Saturn 6 (often known as a Hurricane, but this is the original 1940's model).
In terms of food - obviously Nathan's, but their is a new soul food stand on Surf Ave called 'Kin Folks that's quite good.
Last but not least - bathrooms - there are new and very nice bathrooms on the boardwalk and the bathroom at Nathan's is also usually clean - PLUS these are all free - bathrooms at Astroland and WonderWheel are .25/per visit and leave a lot to be desired in terms of cleanliness.
Hope this helps and that you have a great time - Look forward to the trip report!
Jim 'jimvid' McDonnell
9 visits to Coney this year so far!
If you're were planning on riding after Sept - I'd call and ask. I've never heard of them running it after October.
Jim 'jimvid' McDonnell
The Top Spin in Astroland has to be the craziest one I ever rode! BEST RIDE PROGRAM EVER! The Breakdance is also crazy.
Back seat on the Cyclone is reserved for the truely hardcore coaster riders!
The ElDorado bumper cars are alot of fun too. $5 for the first ride buy you can stay on as long as you want for only a buck a ride. These are my second favorite bumper cars oly behind the ones at Knoebels. "Bump, Bump, Bump, Your Ass Off!"
Coney is a one of a kind place. Very cool. Probably one of the only parks where me Lord Gonch, and nasai would blend in! ;)
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