Germany Rollercoaster Trip 1 (Part 2)

Associated parks:

Next up. . . a couple of small parks. I started with Schloss Thurn. It is a small park with just one rollercoaster, Marienkaferbahn, a steel family coaster. The park is nice and is spread out with animals sections, a few rides and is pretty much a very quiet but relaxing park to take a family to and enjoy the day.

Frankisches Wunderland was next and provided me with a few laughs. It is themed after the American Midwest and more specifically, Kansas City, where I live. So that was pretty neat. They had country music playing throughout the park and all the buildings were back in the western days (there's the saloon, blacksmith, dirt paths and etc). There was a sign that pointed to Kansas City, nearly 8900 km away (I can't remember the exact number 88??) or more than 5,500 miles! There is also a section that said Kansas City Fairgrounds and made me laugh because I have been to those many times in my life. Their rollercoaster, the Kansas City-Express, is a powered rollercoaster that makes multiple passes through the Figure 8/circle type circuit. It was a nice ride and the park had a good selection of rides.

Bayern Park had 3 rollercoasters. Drahgenbahn, themed after a dragon. Achterbahn, themed after a caterpillar and Froschbahn, themed after a frog. They were nice coasters and the park was nice too.

Churpfalzpark was a very pretty park with many flower arrangements, bright colors and rides. Their lone coaster, Marienkafer Hochbahn is a junior steel coaster. If you haven't noticed, it was a day of small parks and rollercoasters. I like to visit all I can as well as explore the country and region. There are many stops and non-amusement park sites I went to but those can wait for my website. More is yet to come. . .

My place

Nice Trip Report!!! I realy want to go to Europe and ride their coasters!

-Sean Newman
80 coasters and soon to be more
Life is a roller coaster Ride It!

Well I'm here so I gotta make the best of it. Actually, they are building the Olympia Looping Bahn rollercoaster very close to where I'm at right now so I guess I get an additional bonus rollercoaster. It is on that World's Greatest Rollercoasters DVD and is one of the world's largest travelling rollercoasters. I have ridden the Texas Tornado (aka Thriller) so this will complement that ride.

My place

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