German Showman suspected of smuggling drugs inside flatride (epic story)

Pete's avatar

Alexatucla said:

I have not been to the States in 6 Months now, but I am pretty sure you call boops still boops, right?

Nope, sorry Alexa, it is boobs. Never was boops.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Speaking of boops and boobs, I don't think it's Alexa. I imagine it's "Alex at UCLA." Then again, "Alex" could be short for "Alexandra," in which case boops and boobs may come into play again.

I'll stop now.

Last edited by Mike Gallagher,

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

rollergator's avatar

Unless it's really @lex@UCL@....

Never noticed how much @ looks like a boop...or whatever.... ;~P

Lord Gonchar's avatar




But maybe we should leave our Alex alone. He's so kind to supply us with first hand knowledge, complete with pics and vids, of the goings on over there in Germany and for that I'm so grateful. I can't wait to get there. Fabulous parks and hundreds of real castles! Awesome, I think.

I will say, though, that I went to high school with a girl named Alexa Tucla and she had great boops.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I think this qualifies as 'we like you' playfulness, not the 'screwing with you' picking that happens.

Jeff's avatar

This forum is the tits.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I dont think I ever wrote the word boo(B)s out and if I make a stupid mistake like that, I deserve to be made fun off,lol.

Not taking it personal and I think the responses were hillarious!

Raven-Phile's avatar

Boop boop be doo...

rollergator's avatar

Alexatucla said:

Not taking it personal...

That in itself is worth a vote-up... ;~)

Jason Hammond's avatar

Mike Gallagher said:

Okay, Got Me! I read the whole original post without noticing that it was 11 years old...


884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Haha, consider my surprise when I came here today after a very long time and seeing this old thread of mine on page one.

Yes, the park was recently bought back by the city of Berlin. It will certainly not become a full fledged amusement park, which is a shame.

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