Geauga Lake won't honor all Six Flags free tickets

Posted | Contributed by supermandl

Geauga Lake's new owners have decided not to honor the free tickets promised by Six Flags to graduates of local Drug Abuse Resistance Education programs. The program was one of many that Six Flags offered tickets to. The park agreed to honor passes for a reading program.

Read more from The Plain Dealer.

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To be fair, Six Flags was not the only company in the recent past that did this. Heck, that was the "business model" of nearly every internet company then in existence---give away the product to build market share and brand identity. Someday, we'll figure out how to make money.

You'll notice that almost none of these companies are still in business.

*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 5/26/2004 11:37:03 AM ***

My mom runs the reading program for Six Flags at her school, and like some stated above, these programs are for people that are too young to goto the park themselves. While the Dare program does goto grade 5 or 7 (from what I remember when I went through it), most of the students in the program as well as the reading program would need a parental figure to come with (although my mom gets a free ticket as well).

Brian -- This seems more like a business model of a nightclub than one of an internet service. Let some people in for free and they will buy more drinks. Let some people in, but their friends still have to pay.*** This post was edited by onceler 5/26/2004 11:51:28 AM ***

And if more of these DARE kids bought beer when they visited GL, that'd probably be profitable. ;)
Lord Gonchar's avatar

This recurring "change of heart" strategy from CF reminds of some beverage company and their *waffling* from about 10 years ago...

New Coke, anyone? ;)

Actually that was 20 years ago, Gator. :)

Feeling older now? I am.

rollergator's avatar
Thanks, I needed that *reality check* right before heading out on vacation.....NOT! ;)

bill, STILL getting carded every so often, but not for Diet Coke

That is weird... I just saw some guy in a restaurant who ordered coke and asked to make sure it was classic.
Jeff's avatar
The notion that in park spending would make it worth their time is nonsense. First you're cannibalizing the gate. Second, and this can come off "classist" if you want it to, but giving away tickets to groups that are primarily low income are not going to score you high per cap spending. Is a poor family of four that got free or half-off tickets going to spend $100 that day? Not if they want to eat the next two weeks.
I think its clear that Six Flags has more interest in revenue charging each guest 7 bucks for a souvenier cup, and 8 bucks for a burger, than charging you 45 bucks to get into the park...they're not worried about the revenue from ticket sales, thats why season passes are 55 dollars. I don't remember the last time i spend more than 25 dollars to get into the park, and that was 2 years ago before i've been buying passes. Anybody that pays full price for a ticket into six flags is an idiot. You people are all butt-hurt just because your not getting free tickets....if you were i bet the last thing you'd be whining about is "park revenue" when you get in for free. Some of you should appreciate the fact that Six Flags was willing to motivate or award kids in school, and its nice to know DL changed their mind and is now accepting tickets. Apparently SF can never do anything quite right for you CF fanboys, can they?

Oh, and maybe some of you are slow, but unless i'm mistaken i think rollergator may be talking about C2- it's the new Coca Cola product coming has less carbonation, and the formula has been changed...i guess there's not enough variety in the soda world already...

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Hehe, slow. Nice try.

He was taking about new coke and how Coke was accused of pulling the whole thing as a publicity stunt in the face of losing much of their market share. It compares quite favorably to the idea that the CF folks initially refuse these free vouchers then quickly does an about face thus looking like good guys and keeping their names out there.

So yes, you're mistaken. Glad to bring you up to speed ;)

And for the record, C2 is meant to bridge the gap between the "regular" and "diet" versions of coke. Less caories, carbs and sugar than Classic Coke, but more flavor than Diet Coke. Pepsi will be making a similar offering. These new drink are being referred to as "halfway" colas - An attempt to cash in on the whole low carb/Atkins craze.

Now that I established my almost unhealthy knowledge of the carbonated beverage market, I'll get back to my Dew Red - 170 calories and 47g of carbs a can - screw Atkins!

And to stay on topic like a good little boy:

As far as the whole Six Flags gate thing - I think if it were good business practice to give away the gate and make up the difference in the park, then SF would still have a property in Ohio.

Jeff: You'd be astounded what low-income folks will fork out at a movie theater or an amusement park. It's akin to a kid who lives at home and doesn't pay for rent or food. When it isn't your money...


rollergator's avatar
Lord G said "He was taking about new coke and how Coke was accused of pulling the whole thing as a publicity stunt in the face of losing much of their market share. It compares quite favorably to the idea that the CF folks initially refuse these free vouchers then quickly does an about face thus looking like good guys and keeping their names out there."

Get OUT of my head you witch! ;)

kpjb's avatar
LG, Pepsi already makes that. It's called PepsiMax overseas and is slightly altered in formula to Pepsi One here in the states.

Anywho, the Pittsburgh Pirates have had a giveaway the past couple of seasons where each kid under 13 got a free Six Flags ticket when attending a certain Sunday day game. This year it was still announced as Six Flags in the promo guides, but they're advertising it now as Geauga Lake giveaways. Cedar Fair isn't that opposed to giveaways, apparently.

kpjb, If you know.

Who pays for the tickets? Do the Pirates, or does CF pay for advertising and the tickets? Or does CF provide tickets in exchange for advertising?

No one said that CF is opposed to giveaways (they do/did it on their website), but Six Flags had taken it to a new (and absurd) level.

kpjb's avatar
Absolutely. One time I went out there with my family. I get in the park free because of my job. When I went up to guest relations they said "how many tickets do you want?"

I'm not sure how the giveaway works. I'd assume it's largely discounted or free tickets in exchange for the advertisement. Also the tickets are only for those under 13, so they'd presumably still bring the rest of the paying family with them.

Sandcastle Water Park in Pittsburgh does a Sunday Pirates giveaway, too.


Actually, I have no complaints about Six Flags in Texas or Illinois (and would go back to Great America in a heartbeat). They run things a bit strangely in New Jersey. But, outside of media days, they NEVER made me happy in Ohio (and believe me, I gave them more than their fair share of opportunites).

Do I consider myself a CF fanboy? Without a doubt! I'll talk up a business that shows me a good time any day of the week.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
(on the subject of carbonated beverages)

kpjb, yeah they do have Pepsi One, but I believe the drink coming out soon will be called Pepsi Edge. Whether it's just repackaged Pepsi One or not, I have no idea.

I'll stick with the Dew Red thank you! (Two plugs in one thread. Where's my royalties check? ;) )

I'm just tired of hearing that the park didn't make any money from everyone...they made 20 million dollars in 2003 at just SFWoA cause they charged double the triple the cost of retail for everything that more than made up for free admission. SFWoA made $14million in profit after expenses, meaning they spent 6 million on running the park.

When you're charging families of 4 almost 50 dollars to eat at one sitting, and only 1/2 the serving size that non-park restaurants give you, you are making a gross amount of profit!

Geauga Lake is no better than SFWoA when they raised prices 30-60% this year, and this is not an area that will allow price-gouging. Cedar Fair dropped admission by $5.00 , but raised the prices of everything they know you'll have to buy by an average of 40%, and lowered the prices on non-essential 'junk' like memorabilia.

I wonder if that means that Cedar Fair will bail out when their profits fall below $10 million a season? Only time will tell, but I'm hearing alot of praise from the younger crowd, but they aren't the ones bringing in the profits as the complete family does. *** This post was edited by midwave 5/27/2004 1:49:01 AM ***

I was in a competition up in Pittsburgh this past winter for NOSB (National Oceans and Sciences Bowl) and they handed out so many free tickets to SFWoA because that's where the convention was to be held next year. From the site it is telling us we have to use we have to use them at SFDL or WL. As this isn't a problem to me, it just makes me wonder how many handouts SFWoA has before the gates even open. They literally gave away the gate like everyone has always said.
Cedar Fair has never made an acquisition that didn't work out in their favor (and ultimately in my favor as a unitholder). Can Premier/Six Flags say that?*** This post was edited by wahoo skipper 5/27/2004 1:48:57 PM ***
(on the subject of carbonated beverages)

Longhairedspaz, C2 doesn't have half the carbonation. "Less carbs" means less carbohydrates. It's still plenty fizzy.


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