Geauga Lake Corkscrew

john peck's avatar
As many of you know, Geauga Lake removed their catalog Arrow Corkscrew in the winter of 1995 to be replaced with Mind Eraser.

Do any of you know the current whereabouts of this ride?
I heard it's in a japanese park but i could be wrong.
I think its in Mexico. It was the first coaster I have ever ridden way back when I was 6.
"God gave me a wake up call," RelientK-"Wake Up Call"
john peck's avatar
Well, I know that so far it has not been reinstalled in the United states yet.
rcdb says it's rumored to be in Brazil

Thank you for riding America's Roller Coast
Last reports, it was in Indiana. probably will be traded in for another ride, either back to Arrow, or to another ride broker, in which it will be bound for South of the Border....
Was Mind Eraser new when they built it at SFO?

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it
Yes it was. The only 'recycled' inverted they used was the 'Hangman' from Opryland, which was installed at SF Marine World.
Mind Eraser at SFO is a Vekoma Boomerang, not SLC. It is the only coaster named 'Mind Eraser' that is not an SLC. Confusing, 'eh?

The only rides that SFO bought used were Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall and The Big Wheel.

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