Geauga Lake 5/15/04

Associated parks:

The Villain- The first ride of the day. The ride was walk on. I sat in the back seat and the ride great. When I went down the first two hills I was practically flying out of my seat!

Dominator- This was the second ride of the day. The ride was running well with no line.

Double Loop- No line for this ride also but one train was running and they could have used two as the day went on they needed the second train

X-Flight- Both stations were open! The line looked long but it really wasn't long since they stop you where the two stations entrances are so the stations don't get over crouded. The ride ran well and I got on it twice. The 1st station was down for a little bit when I was in line for the second time.

Head Spin- There was no line for this ride. The ride was really rough and gave me a big head ache after riding it.

Texas Twister- I rode this ride alot. The ride was a walkon and was fun!

Time Warp- Both sides were running! This is the first time i've ever seen both running.

Beaver Land Mining Company- This ride was closed all day

Steel Venom- This ride was finally open! The holding break was still on and I thought it was faster this year than last year. There was a back up infront of the line when they started testing it but it eventually went away. I left and came back later right when they were about to open it. There was no back up infront of the line so I was on the first run of the season

Big Dipper- I think this ride was open for some of the day but when I went to ride it it was closed

Shipwreck Falls- There was no line for this ride. I didn't know why I rode it when it was 50 degrees out side. I regretted riding it for the rest of the day because I was freezing cold for the rest of the day

Thunderhawk- This ride broke down when I went to ride it because the person in the front seat's restrain wouldn't come off. The maintance people had to take the back of the seat off to get the person out. This took about a half hour to get the person off. The front seats on the blue train of Thunderhawk were closed off.

2005 Villain Laps: 72 2005 Geagua Lake Visits: 33 2004 Geauga Lake Visits: 29
Sounds like a cool park.
Time Warp ran both sides until middle of 2002, but that is hilarious that you went on Shipwreck Falls in that cold park today! Hope you don't get sick :(

As for Beaver Creek Mine Ride, last weekend they were running only 1 lap and the brakes were squealing and stopping too hard, probably why the ride is closed for repairs. Six Flags ran that ride thru 2 laps for every ride group, and I hope CF does the same once the repairs are done! *** Edited 5/16/2004 3:18:55 AM UTC by midwave***

I was at the park on Sunday (5/16) and I can tell you that most rides were running at one point or another, except Raging Wolf Bobs and maybe Hyde's Nasty Fall.

Beaver Creek Mine ride was up and ran fine, but they were only doing one lap. Big Dipper and Steel Venom were up and running as well. I wanted to ride front seat for Thunderhawk, but noticed it was closed off. I guess Peppermint's post explains why :)

I like the's a lot cleaner, but it is just missing a theme and some shows (and anything on the Sea World side). I think once they have those, this will be a complete park.

BTW, I'm a first time poster. Been checking out the site recently and thought I'd update this since I was at the park more recently. I'm a season pass holder to Geauga Lake and will probably make a couple trips to CP as well, so thanks to everyone for the great updates. Will continue checking out the site...


If you wanted to ride front seat on Thunderhawk you could have. The front seat on the blue train was closed off. I rode front seat on the red train.

2005 Villain Laps: 72 2005 Geagua Lake Visits: 33 2004 Geauga Lake Visits: 29
Holding brake on = cool.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."

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