Geauga Lake 5-22-05

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LuvRaptor's avatar
Sunday May 22nd

Hubby and I decided to visit GL for the day since we hadn’t been there since last season.
The crowd was none existent despite the 4 bus loads of kids.

Dominator: Every time I ride this it reminds me so much of Medusa at SFGrtAdv but longer. Can’t get enough of it, and thanks to the lack of crowds, we got to ride it 5x..All front. I could easily power ride this thing all day and that would be fine by me. How I WISH CP had one of these! Wonder if they'd trade us for TTD? ;)

Raging Wolf Bobs: What a difference an overhaul makes! This woody ROCKS now! Why can’t they get these same fixer-upper people on MS?? We rode this 3x, 2 in the front and once in the back. Awesome ride do NOT miss it! :)

X-Flight: My hubby’s favorite. Rode mid-train 1st ride, 1st car 2nd. Loved them both. We rode it in the 1st car to see if ride any diifferent. Wasn't as different as we thought it would be.Turns out this ride would be our longest waits of the day.

Steel Venom: 1st time hubby got to ride since last 2x we were in the park it was down (Intamin, go figure)
He said he likes Wicked Twister better, although I thought the lack of a backwards twisty made it alot of fun for me.

Villain: Talk about FLYING! OMG this coaster was incredible! Airtime galore!! :) I especiallly liked this ride when I found out the TL is one of my closest former CP buds. I adore her and am so happy for her!

You could definitely see more of the CF touch to the park now. Appears all new black top, and unless I’m losing my mind I think Thunderhawk was painted a different color?
Auto spiels on most of the rides, funniest thing about those were when they say "welcome back riders, how was your ride?" the recording gives you less than 1 second to respond before it goes into the next line.

The park was immaculate and the employees were great.

We walked over to the soon to be Wildwater Kingdom side to have a look around. There we saw the "Robots of Mars 3-D" show...I thought it was just ok, a tad long. Maybe I am just spoiled by shows like "Shrek 4-D" or something. We also saw the "Dino II" show which I swear I saw at SFGrtAdv a few years ago. It was great none the less.

It appears Wildwater Kingdom will be quite the hit with people who like water parks. I hope it is the push that GL will need to get more people to come to the park.

The greatest sight we saw was the line of people outside the season pass office, hopefully that is a good sign. The one thing that made this visit wonderful for us was all the hard working physically challenged employees we saw through out the day. We both thought that was absolutely awesome.

We rode everything we wanted to (some more than once) with plenty of time to spare. The weather was outstanding and the threatened storms never came. We were almost tempted to get off I-71 and head to CP!!

All in all a great day, and we definitely intend on utilizing our season pass GL add ons a few more times this season!

'00 '02 '03 Raptor Crew

'00 '02 '03 '09 Raptor Crew
2018 - present Mako Crew

john peck's avatar
The new owners sure make a difference don't they?
Nice TR. Sounded like you had a great time. We are planning on flexing our GL add-on to the CP sp next Sunday. I was worried that it might be crowded, but with the delay in the opening of the water park and it supposedly being cold and rainy, I am guessing many might just stay home.

We were there last year on opening day and it was rainy. It was pretty empty, but the park, and many rides, were far from being ready. I'm looking forward to seeing the new changes (and hopefully better signage to the restrooms :)

Can't wait to ride RWB for my first time.


It was great to hear you had fun at the park. Positive TRs like yours help us know that we really are making a difference.

I actually saw a lot of people yesterday that were CP pass holders, using their GL add-ons (and combo passes) at the park. It was a pleasant site, and hopefully a sign of things to come.

I am the TL over at the Skyscraper, Bellaire Express (monorail), and the El Dorado (the magic carpet ride).

I look forward to seeing you this summer. I think I have only met you once, but would love to talk with you sometime about coasters. One of the best things about my job is the opportunity to chat with people from this site, and enthusiasts in general!

Oh, and Jo, NO WAY on the Dominator/TTD trade! We would never trade our signature ride for that Intamin piece of junk. Though I would gladly trade Thunderhawk for that nice Beemer you love to ride, and help operate;). Speaking of which, what is your ride count on it now?


LuvRaptor said:
Sunday May 22nd

We also saw the "Dino II" show which I swear I saw at SFGrtAdv a few years ago. It was great none the less.

Yes, Dino Island II was at SFGAdv for a few years utill the 2003 season, when it was replaced by The Right Stuff: Mach 1 (which is odd since Mach 1 was originally there before Dino Island). A Spongebob 3D show has occupied that building since 2004.

I thought GL had the N. American premier of Dino Island II. Or was that for Robots? Are you sure it wasn't Dino Island I at SFGAdv?


Good to hear that the coasters are running great at GL.

Any news on the status of Mr. Hydes Nasty Fall or the Observation Tower?

Blue Streak Marathon Rider 2003 and 2004 KW Gor_y Park Team Member
I love the Lake!
Sam, I'm sure SFGAdv had Dino Island II. Also, here Geauga Lake's website says they have the North American premier of Robots (not Dino Islnad). *** Edited 5/24/2005 10:59:40 PM UTC by person***
Yeah....the fun is back!?!! :)

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"


Thanks for the clarification. I thought I read that one of them was new.


I am the TL of the triangle that includes Skyscraper, our observation tower. The ride is generally open whenever the park is open.


LuvRaptor's avatar

Avalanche Sam said:
Oh, and Jo, NO WAY on the Dominator/TTD trade! We would never trade our signature ride for that Intamin piece of junk. Though I would gladly trade Thunderhawk for that nice Beemer you love to ride, and help operate. Speaking of which, what is your ride count on it now?


I seriously doubt a Thunderhawk/Raptor trade even comes close to being fair, do you? :)
However, how about we trade MS for RWB?
I swear we couldn't even give away MS! ;)

Raptor ride count now at 1038 :) Thanks for asking!

See you at CoasterEXT! I can't wait!! :)


'00 '02 '03 '09 Raptor Crew
2018 - present Mako Crew

Sky Sraper and Mr. Hydes are fully operational, and have been up and running every weekend I've been there so far.
Jo, I can't make it to CoasterEXT. I have my high school reunion that weekend, and will be in Maine.

Can I take a raincheck?

And a Summers & Dinn piece of junk for a Summers & Dinn piece of junk that the Canadians have fixed up, making it fun again? Nope. How about you give us Mantis for two Vekomas? I actually like Mantis, if it can get loaded fast enough.


crazy horse's avatar
I am glad to hear that Mr hydes is now operational again. This is the one and only ride at geauga lake that I have not yet been on.

Ill hit it up at coaster ext.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Great Trip Report! I am going to be headed up there, but not for a while. Are there any flats that are can't miss?
Texas Twister is worth a spin, one reason being it's the first HUSS Top Spin. Another being that it delivers many unique ride sequences. I know thats probably standard, but hey, it's the first one ever built!!

I'm gonna say that Black Squid is a can't miss simply because it terrifies me. The reason being it is so free moving, I don't feel secure. I know that it's just a Spider ride, but damnit, they scare me. I'll go hop on Dominator no problem though.

Dino Island is a simulator ride, but could be considered a flat ride in a sense, and it's a really good sim. Starfish is a good Wipeout ride, over by Steel Venom.

Bellair express Monerail takes you on a scenic journey through the fifty's midway, Kidworks, and Hurricane hannah's waterpark. If you like inverting alot, then go for Time Warp.

Hay Bailer is a mild circular Ride, but it's cool because it is built inside an actual barn! So you bob and dive through the barn round and round. It's a mild fun ride.

You'll think I'm crazy, but if you go down into Kidworks and get on the Balloon ride, (only when it's a slow day), get your own tub, then when it starts going, spin yourself like mad. I walked off like holy ****, I was beyond dizzy.

Anyway, The last two flats I can think of that are can't miss, are , for one, the Dogem's cars. A center divider used to be in there, but now they have removed it, and it's all out. I got nailed to the point of me and my car coming up off the ground once! definately could spend all day in there.

The last, is the Classic Carousel. Complete with a rehab, and still operates it's own musical instruments . You can see the drums and things kicking as you go round. It's one of the last ones out there. It's worth it for nostalgia sake. Especially at night.

john peck's avatar
Texas Twister is not the first HUSS Top Spin.

It's the first Huss Top Spin Installed permanantly in North America.

It's a first isn't it? I don't live in euro or UK, or whatever, I live in america, So yeah, To me, and alot of other people, it was the first, and the first we had ever seen. Isn't that all that matters? It's a place to have fun, why be so stat about it? So, are you gonna try telling me that Steel Venom wasn't the worlds first spiraling impulse coaster? Argue that.

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