Geauga Lake 2005 Construction/Demolition Update

Coaster Lover

Friday, November 19, 2004 7:30 PM
Well, I debated opening a new thread for this, but it seems the last recent thread on the subject has been closed...

Anyways, I just thought you all might be interested in the pics that Geauga Lake has posted from today (11/19) showing the demolition of Hook's Lagoon and Neptune Falls. Enjoy!

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.



Friday, November 19, 2004 7:40 PM
So, in reading the details here... the picnic area will be moved from the Villain area to the former waterpark area. The waterpark goes over to the former Wildlife side.

So this eliminates the walkway through Villain to get to the picnic area? It basically opens up that end of the park for future development? Smart.

So, what's up with that house that existed along the path that took guests from the former Wild Ride side to the Wildlife side? Still there? Is the floating bridge still in existance?

I have not been back in two years (big surprise) so I am not sure if they are there or not.





Friday, November 19, 2004 8:07 PM
demolition discussions are always welcome: CL.
those pics are good. they are wasting no time.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...




Friday, November 19, 2004 9:43 PM
Those pics show me much more than their webcam. The webcam just shows an empty lot where demo was there's no workers or anything going on there.

HW Knoebel

Friday, November 19, 2004 11:06 PM

I believe that the current public picnic area by Villain will remain. That is for people who bring their own coolers/food. The new picnic area near the lake will be for company picnics (reservations only).

The 'Red House' was still there during the season. That land bridge that went past the house was only open one or two days during the season. The floating bridge (which was moved back to its original location near RWB) and the ferry boats were the only way to get to Happy Harbor and the Ski Stadium this past season.

"Theme Park Critic Extreme"



Monday, November 22, 2004 1:40 AM
I'm sure by the Opening date their will be some changes to the pavilions by the villian ect. right now the corporate pavilians are near the villian, beaver ride and texas twister, (in the general facility) what will happen to the coropate pavilions now? will they be corporate still along with the enw pavilions being built where hooks lagoon was? It sure makes me curious how things will turn out on opening day! ;)


Monday, November 22, 2004 1:55 AM
Chances are one of the picnic pavilion groupings (BLMR Area or by Villain) will be phased out. Come to think of it, GL has a ton of picnic pavilions. The old Sea World Pavilions remain on the 'hill' on the life side and there are more public picnic tables in the life side parking lot.

[url=""]Geauga Guide[/url]


Monday, November 22, 2004 3:25 PM
I wonder if they'll use the other parking lot?
(life-side, that is.) given the figures last year, you have to wonder about them needing to man the lot at all.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...




Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:49 AM
They should, they have that huge waterpark coming round in 2005, i forgot about the old "sea world" pavilians, did they forget about those?

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