Gay Day season is upon us!

Just some info for those interested, here's a listing of upcoming Gay Days at various parks. Looks like KBF's up first, Sunday May 2nd:

Anyone interested in going to the private party at PGA on May 28th? Email me!

Cool how SFNE is already scheduled until the year 2020!!!

What is people's fascination with Gay Day? Can I ask that? I mean, yeah, it's just another crowd, but why do you guys get hyped up over it?

Feeltheforce312's RCT Site -
Before this gets highjacked into another "Why Gay Days", just use the search engine, been covered numerous times.

This is just info for those that are interested in attending.

Alot of gay people still feel that they arent "accepted" still to date so they hold events like this. It doesnt do anything for the advancement of gay people its just another event to put gays in the eye of society. Its really just a day in the park to me. Whatever happen to the idea of afro-american day in the park??

Besides isnt everyday at the parks a gay day lol lol!!

There are no bad coasters, only better coasters!!

hahahaha. wow, you're gay pun was so clever. really. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

people who make no sense are funny. i cannot believe we need to have a conversation clarifying why it's not odd, nor a publicity stunt, to be interested in spending time with people that share common interests and experiences.

i mean, hell, what's a coaster event but "just another crowd," anyway?


Thank you jomo for passing along that link. I didn't know there was a new gay day at Lake Compounce this year. Cool.
So does this make every other day Straight Day?

But seriously, this could just be seen as a social gathering, for people to meet, and I don't have a problem with that.

Social gatherings are a good thing. Now is there anything special about Gay Days? Can us straight folks come?

-Sam (who decided against going to a gay bar with a gay friend)

*I hope nobody is offended with the above comment. If you are, please let me know, and I will edit or remove it.

Thanks... I'll be sure not to go to any of those parks on those days.

The bigger they are, the harder they brake
Thanks for the link. Now I know when not to go to these parks.

Jeff's avatar
And as usual... the bigots come out to show their true colors (or lack thereof).

I'm going to close this now because if I don't it will result in the annual thinning of the membership and expansion of the ban list. I won't tolerate hate here toward any race, ethnicity or sexual orientation... ever. Two of you are already there.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

^ My friends and I greatly appreciate it TSO and B7!

Thanks Chernabog, your welcome gardener14, and Sam, no problem, I don't like going to straight bars with my straight friends either. And anyone is welcome to attend as long as they're there to have fun and a good time with some cool peeps.

*** Edited 4/20/2004 2:40:47 AM UTC by jomo***

Closed topic.

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