Gator take-over of Sea World, Shamu beware!

rollergator's avatar
The University of Florida Alumni Association and Pepsi invite you to

For Gators Only

Free, private, after-hours party only for members of the University of Florida Alumni Association
Saturday, July 15, at SeaWorld Orlando.

Hey, Alumni can each bring a guest....sweet! :)

P.S. I won't tell them I prefer Diet COKE... ;)

Sweet! :)
dude, Bill (Gator) if i could make it down there, id so beg to be your guest:) i went back in March, the new Shamu show is INCREDIBLE, any of you who are planning a trip to Orlando, i highly recommend going there. not to mention Kraken is an absolute gem of a coaster, possibly my favourite sitdown looper as of now:) (didnt get to ride atlantis, was down when i was there)
rollergator's avatar
I almost had to miss out on this due to family obligations in NC. Thought I had to be in Eastern NC on the 15th....then it got clarified that I needed to be there the *following* weekend.

Plus side: I get to meet up with a couple hundred (thousand?) Gator alumni...
Minus side: I won't get to go to HRC's groundbreaking on the 13th...

Kraken, honestly, is possibly the most photogenic steel coaster going...the RIDE, meh...hopefully I'll be able to snare this credit:

Even more *hopefully*...hope this thing has diff. seats than it's sister in San Anton, the one known simply as "the nutcracker".

Now, where IS that alumni assocation card? ;)

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