Gatekeeper anticappointment

Lord Gonchar's avatar

It's SheiKraFiend and all his glorious theiving negativity.

Yes, that's right.

Why is stealing Coke so bad?

Last edited by TheChariotPrince,

This will not advance the conversation, but I'm gonna say:
Oh, lord.

rollergator's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:

You know what disappoints me?

The fact that you've been booted twice but keep coming back with new screen names.

My guess is that the next one will be a little more permanent.

The next "boot" or the next screen name? Hoping it's the former...

If you guys think stealing Coke is bad, I'd imagine you'd think using a handicapped pass that you randomly found to park at the front of the parking lot is worthy of crucifixion.

Last edited by TheChariotPrince,
Tekwardo's avatar

Pretty much.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

rollergator said:

Lord Gonchar said:

You know what disappoints me?

The fact that you've been booted twice but keep coming back with new screen names.

My guess is that the next one will be a little more permanent.

The next "boot" or the next screen name? Hoping it's the former...

How can you make a "boot" more permanent than banning an IP address?

Break Trims's avatar

It's more worthy of indifference to such an obvious attention whore.

Parallel lines on a slow decline.

Lol, that's why everyone was so indifferent to me offhandedly mentioning in a trip report that I filled a water cup with Coke...

Last edited by TheChariotPrince,
rollergator's avatar

TheChariotPrince said:
How can you make a "boot" more permanent than banning an IP address? you know what an ISP is?

(apologies in advance for "feeding the beast")....

Carrie J.'s avatar

"We know when you are posting;

We see you're on a roll;

You stole some coke and then stalked the site;

Go away 'cause you're a troll."

(Good luck getting Santa Claus is Comin' to Town out of your heads now. ;-) )

Last edited by Carrie J.,

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

What has happened to Coasterbuzz?

I remember the days when we had a calibre of troll that inspired me to fire up Photochop in a fit of pique and produce some *artwork* of dubious quality.

These days the trolls seem to be more of the free trial version than the fully-fledged paid for type!

Carrie J. said:

"We know when you are posting;

We see you're on a roll;

You stole some coke and then stalked the site;

Go away 'cause you're a troll."

(Good luck getting Frosty the Snowman out of your heads now. ;-) )

After the first two lines, I thought it was "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"..then the third and fourth lines just didn't jell.

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

Carrie J.'s avatar

My is Santa Claus is Comin' to Town.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

SheikraFiend and Mondays always get me down.

Now what amazes me is that someone actually voted ChariotPrince up for something.

sws's avatar

Dang it, Carrie. Now I've got Christmas songs in my head.

My favorite holiday special has always been the animated version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." I particularly like the theme song playing as the Grinch goes from house to house stealing all of the presents and every can of Who-hash. Here's my new version:

"You're a troll, SheiKraFiend.

You really are a jerk.

Why must you steal Coca-cola?

Are you entitled to this perk?


Please leave CoasterBuzz,

This time we'll make it work."

Yeah, I know. I won't give up my day job.

Timber-Rider's avatar

You know. It's really those places who choose to have a self serve drink sation, rather than pay employees to serve it, that set themselves up for people who don't pay, helping themselves to free soda. But, I would not call it stealing. The people who do that paid to be in the park, and if the park loses a little money by not supervising their products, they are probably fine with taking that as a loss. As a majority of people will still pay for it.

I worked at Burger King, when I was younger and we had a self serve drink station, and people always asked for cups of water and filled them with pop, they also did so when I worked in the foods area at Meijer. The counter employee just gave the person the smallest cup available, or we charged 25 cents for water. Fountain pop is ridiculously cheap, and the loss on a single glass of soda is probably a fraction of a cent, and with prices as high as what Cedar Fair charges, it's probably a fraction of a fraction of a cent. As a single case of soda mixture cost maybe $16.00 a case, and each case can serve hundreds of cups of pop. So they are not losing any money.

You can bet if my friend Dave was at the park, he would ask for a cup of water and do the same thing. In fact he does it every time we go to burger king or taco bell, and you would be surprised by the number of people who do that. If the business does not want to take the loss, they can simply remove their self service station. It's as simple as that. Until then people will help themselves.

Here's a comment I made on another post. My friend and I were at Michigan's Adventure, and he pulled a souvinir bottle out of the trash, took into the bathroom and washed it with hand soap and water, and took it to the nearest food stall, where they filled it with soda. He not only got his soda for free, but also a free souvnir mug. So, you can't stop people from doing what they are going to do.

Gross I know. But, when you are cheap, that is what you do.

Another thing that would eliminate the theft of pop, is for the parks to do what fast food places started doing for years, and include the pop in a meal, instead of charging for it seperately. Park pop is ridiculously high, and they make a fortune off it. Not to mention their stock cost on food verses what they charge for it.

As a former stock person, I can tell you that the amount of money parks make on food is probably 300 to 400 percent higher profit than a typical fast food joint. And, they may even get some of those items free, as companies often send freebie cases of product, to promote a new product. At Christmas time, we used to get cases of Santa Cups free of charge, usually 200 32 oz cups in a case.

Which is one of the reasons why I complain about the cost of park food. I have been on both ends, as the buyer, and the deliverer. Park visitors are getting greatly over charged.

Last edited by Timber-Rider,

I didn't do it! I swear!!

sirloindude's avatar

Wow. I didn't realize that stealing was okay in situations where it's easy or where it probably isn't going to hurt the person/entity that is being stolen from very much.

Morality isn't relative, buddy. I don't care if it costs Cedar Fair gobs of $$$ or it it costs them nothing. Stealing is stealing.

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

Timber-Rider's avatar

I wasn't saying that stealing was ok. I was saying that parks are ok with taking the loss, and unless they change their policies people are going to take advantage of it.

Make that same comment to a person in Loss Prevention, and they will tell you the same thing. Better to take the loss, then confront a thief, and end up with a possible lawsuit. Not something a smart company wants to do over a fraction of a cent. Trust me, I have seen it all.

I didn't do it! I swear!!

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