Gadv history of track sightings.

Don't get excited cause I didn't find any tracks at Gadv... I'm sure some people got excited.

Does anyone know if Nitro, Medusa....or any coaster was spotted in the parking lot before the end of the season at Gadv? I noticed GAm got their track, OG had track (SMUF) in the lot and now CP has started construction. Does Gadv always get their delivery and a start construction after the season ends?


I think that they will have to wait until the end of the season because the season pass holders are entitled to the season pass entrance this year. As much as I would like to give up that right to watch construction, I don' t think it will happen.

Dave Bonnetti

If memory serves, crates containing NITRO parts were seen by the time of Coaster Celebration 5. But NITRO is *quite* a bit bigger than any proposed flyer so maybe they needed a long lead time to sort all the pieces out
--who thinks steel coaster construction is a lot like playing with a really big erector set

The supports for Nitro were on site i believe the end of September. I remember the first track pieces arriving beginning of October. However, like 2Hostyl said, Nitro was a lot bigger, so it all depends.

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Mike "Viper" Semtak

While no track was sighted, I was at the Coaster Celebration when the crates with B&M labels were located around Batman:The Ride. I even have some pictures of the crates and some of the footer bolts. Pictures of actual tracks showed up during the middle to end of October during Fright Fest.

NitroExplodes said:

I think that they will have to wait until the end of the season because the season pass holders are entitled to the season pass entrance this year

When's that?


final day of operation is November 3rd this year.

I'll have to see what's around when I'm there for Fright Fest sometime in October. Remind me to bring a camera.

I'm at rutgers! But I never went there! Check it out! I'm all the way to the left, I wear glasses.
"The moose says you're closed, I say you're open!" - Clark W. Griswold
"We love Megan!"

The season pass entrance is usually only open from Memorial Day to Labor Day, so it could happen that they close down that area before the season is through.

Keep in mind that they still have to return to the planning board next week, and even if approved then, it's not like they would start constuction the next day.

As far as when track will arrive, I can only speak for the construction of Medusa. It was the last week of September in '98 when I saw those neon pieces making their way on flatbed trailers down Rt. 195.

Jim Hansen
Number of coasters ridden: 225

The season pass entrance was open this past weekend (sept 14-15). So it does indeed stay open past labor day. I didnt see anything over in that area, but admittedly, I was not looking.
"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

I used the season pass entrance on the last day of the season last year, about 3 hours before the park closed.

Assuming that they'll keep materials near the construction site, this one should be easy to spot when stuff starts arriving, right?

~~~ Maddy ~~~

You make a good point SJCoasternut. If Great Adventure hasn't gotten the approval from the board, does that mean the track and supports weren't made yet. Cause if you think about, If Great Adventure doesn't get it approved, what would they do with all those parts?
Excellent point. It'd be like adding onto a house without a permit and such. Too many issues to get into for them if they for some reason were denied by Jackson. Especially if they were already getting shipped the parts. Hope SF had thought to keep the receipt in that case. ;) I don't know if its an optimistic moment for me or what, but I'm sure they'll be approved.

I'm at rutgers! But I never went there! Check it out! I'm all the way to the left, I wear glasses.
"The moose says you're closed, I say you're open!" - Clark W. Griswold
"We love Megan!"

*** This post was edited by JFNJ on 9/20/2002. ***

"Hi, I wanted to know if I can still return this B&M flyer. I haven't opened the box yet. The thing is I...I forgot to get it approved.....ok, thanks, I still have the reciept it's for $14,863,452.18. Ok thanks just wanted to make sure."

Hopefully will have pictures of the constrution this winter.

Xcelerator had pieces in the parking lot well b4 approval.

Arrow Engineer: "Well, we just tested the prototype Suspended with an inversion and the car broke off the stick thing. We plan to reuse the stick things on a future prototype called a 4th dimension."

B&M flyer track (s.u.f. colors) has arrived at Great Adventure!!! Just to let u guys know!

If they didn't get it approved yet how come they have the superman sign there and stating a announcement on October 23rd. Yea and Icedog 7 how do you know? don't get me interested for nothing.
rollergator's avatar
This IS a Beemer flyer....the sad news is that it DOES appear from *all* indications to be virtually identical to does the other one in Gurnee. Don't get me wrong, the pretzel loop is THAT good. The layout afterwards....*left me hanging*...
my friend who works at g.a. said that the tracks are there, hes not allowed to take any pics though, so im gonna probably go on the weekend

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