gadv - fright fest 10-4-02

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i got to the park at 6 oclock. As soon as i got in i saw the large land clearing for superman fenced off in the regular parking lot...not the season pass lot...interesting...well me and my frind decide to head over to chiller...only robin was running but when we got there as this kid told me "it got broked" we head over to Nitro.. I love this ride!!! So much airtime...since there was no line we hopped back on the ride 2 times with out going off the exit...we see the chiller is back open so we head over there...there was a 2 ride wait..we only went on once...then we went over to batman and rerode 3 times with out getting had only been less than an hour and we had been on a lot of we get dinner and take the skyride and head over to medusa...this ride was so much fun...we rerode it 20 times!!! yes 20 times with out getting off the was so empty..we started getting sick at about the 17th we were meeting a frind at 8 30 so we headed over to the fountain.....we went on the swings...YAY!!!and we went back to nitro....this was my first time on it in the was awsome..the line was about 5-10 minutes so we only rode it once. We went on freefall, pendulum, and bumpercars...then we went on batman the ride wait for the first row!!! it was fun but we went over to chiller again cuz it is rode it 5 times and then we had to was the best trip to GADV i have ever been to.. fright fest is awsome this year...with all of the people walking around scaring you...its great..later..

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