Future V2 riders, watch this.

If you havent seen this, you have to check it out. They do the whole ride on S:UE with the people screaming and having fun. Also, during the video, watch how the track on both the twist spike and straight spike rocks(or sways) during the ride. This is some pretty wicked stuff. V2 is going to be a great experience. Check it out on SFMW official site.


*** This post was edited by Chitown on 4/19/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Chitown on 4/19/2001. ***
Cool stuff! I can't wait...

"You are the weakest link...goodbye".
Jeff's avatar
That aerial crane shot is the money shot. Wow... how cool is that?

I'm still trying to figure out how they did the flying shot from the east end through the station and out.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
That is a really good video. I'm surprised they made one so long and of such nice quality (I downloaded the largest one). I'm amazed how much the spikes move when the train goes up them! That is pretty freaky, can't wait to ride it when it opens at SFMW.

Jeff said:
I'm still trying to figure out how they did the flying shot from the east end through the station and out.

I wondered that too when I saw it...very cool shot, but I would like know how they did it.

Oh my god I have chills that thing looks totally awsome I never imagined it to look like that since I have nerver seen it in person since I love in Cali. I am booking a trip to SFMW ASAP for the opening of this thing talk about spine tingling. The video is GREAT best that SF has put out IMHO. How do you save the video.
When i rode SUE i really noticed that it sways too. It makes the ride more thrilling. It is one of my favorite coasters


That also contains it, and it has Deja Vu's computer animation, too.

V2, Deja Vu... how can it be better? Add Viper! Oh, wait. It's already there! *** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 4/19/2001. ***
I think the way that they did the flyby was they took several panned images of the ride, inputed them into a computer program, and let the computer fill in the blanks. This is what some people have done in the past (at least my friends)

all about PKI
the Beasts` Den
Holy crap I am so psyched for SFWoA this year!!!!!!!!!!!

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
Is there a way to get the video without it buffering and all that stuff?

This wonderful post was brought to you by the CoasterBuzzer formally known as MindBender!
Jeff's avatar
That shot isn't smooth enough to be computer generated. No, that's a real camera going through the station. It's either a really long boom or a toy helicopter.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

It is a toy helicoptor, more or less. The camera is mounted onto a helicoptor-type device which is controlled on the ground via remote control. Rental of this camera is VERY expensive, even for Six Flags, and obviously you can tell why based on the results.

I know of some people who were at that S:UE commercial shoot. I believe Scott Short was there but am not sure. If he was, I'm sure he'll chime in with more.
Jeff's avatar
I figured as much. My best man works in Hollyweird, and has seen these rigs before. Problem is, not very many people are good at driving them!

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

Apollos Chariot said:
"Is there a way to get the video without it buffering and all that stuff?

Search for "ASFRecorder" on www.google.com and you can use it to save the Windows Media file.


I found the program and it works great. I dowloaded the whole video in a matter of minutes with DSL, the video comes out to be a 9.26 mb file. Anyway thanks again I just hope that SFMM is the one and not Knotts that's suppose to be getting the suppose to be 300 foot model can you imagin the twist on that MF.

Reason I say and not Knotts is B/C I want Knotts to get a full circut steelcoaster and not another shuttle. That's just IMHO but any park in So.Cali to get a monster like that I would love it. *** This post was edited by rob4420 on 4/20/2001. ***
Just bringing this up to the top of the posts. If you want to get a preview of what V2 is going to be like, then check this out.

"SAVING THE WORLD BEFORE BEDTIME" Powerpuff girls *** This post was edited by Chitown on 4/26/2001. ***
Massive cool! Yup, the final shot is from a R/C chopper. I should know, I fly 'em! I'm sure the pilot concentrated on not hitting anything while another person operated the camera via another transmitter.

My thread; http://www.coasterbuzz.com/forums/thread.asp?ForumID=11&TopicID=3645

An example of a rig, top speed is about 80mph! http://members.home.net/birdseyevideo/HTML/Equipment.htm

*** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 4/27/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
Wow! Not bad! That's what I like about the digital formats (miniDV, DVCPRO, DVCAM)... they're small enough that you can use smaller cameras and put them in places old Beta gear doesn't fit. Way cool!

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

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