Fun Spot 7/14

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OK an half an hour from my house and I have never been there go figure. A great little (little is the key word) park.

Arrived with my Girlfreind Jen and went to the Flying Sccoters first. The fastest flyers I have rode. The sail is chained to the body but I had no trouble snapping them. In fact I got yelled at for it. Got 3 laps total for the day.

Next up Zyclon (It is C for some reason instead of K here). Who cam up with this torture device? The OTSR's were the most awful neckbangy things ever wow. But a fun coaster none the less.

Next up the glass house. A lot of fun but ya really need to make sure ya have your hands out in front of ya. My head still hurts LOL.

Next up the real gem. Afterburner

A very smooth and very very fun coaster. Met some ACErs on it and a fellow buzzer was the op on the far platform of the Arrow Shuttle loop. Anyway this thing has the most intense Ejector air ever. More so then Maggie, Cyclops, or any other coaster I have ever rode. This thing was great. Got 6 laps in total.

Got a good hotdog and some Gatorade for 3.75, pretty Reasonable as was the Pretzel and Pop Jen got.

All in all a fun little park and I thik I made an enthusiast out of Jen after dating her for 4 1/2 years. When we got home today she immediately joined Coasterbuzz Club.

Anyway take a shot and visit this little gem of a park. With a little work, namely paths and some shade and small CCI i think this park could easily gain some popularity.

1989, 9 years old bawling my eyes out because I didn't want to ride Magnum. I did anyway and look at me now. Why did ya make me do it Dave? ;)

Long live Arrow shuttles! Now if there just weren't so many stairs...

Sounds like a FUN park.


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