Fujikyu Highland

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Today we took a tour part way up Mt. Fuji. The tour group ended up having an hour for lunch at the hotel right next to Fujikyu Highland! So I basically thought “screw lunch” and asked the tour guide if it was ok. She said it was, but of course I must be back on time. From there I ran to the entrance and purchased (just) the park entry fee. I bolted strait to Fujiyama, which is located right at the front of the park.

Fujiyama (1 lap). King of coasters. The line was pretty short, but they only had one train running. I got up to the platform, and...crap...forgot to by a ticket! So I just asked if I could pay her there so I didn’t have to wait again. That was okay, all she said to do was wait for the next train...which means I get the front seat! Lucky me.

As the train climbs the lift, there are little purple signs that inform you of how far up you are, until you get to the very top. At the top, a sign boasts: World Record! Well, not any more, but that’s ok. There is a little strait away that builds up anticipation well, and then you plunge down the first drop. After the turn around...well...this is one twisted ride. If anyone claims Raging Bull is the first hyper-twister, please tell them that they are dead wrong. Some of the last hills resemble the Stengal Dive. This coaster instantly became one of my favorites. And it’s a Togo!? As SNL’s Brian Fellows would say, “That’s crazy!”

From there, I quickly moved towards Dodonpa, which is located right across from Fujiyama. Dodondisappoinment is more like it. Two guys informed me outside the station that it was closed by crossing their arms making an X. Noooooooo! And let me tell you, this ride looks so amazing/intimidating from in the park. It travels the entire length of the park. Oh, by the way, I was even more disappointed since I could see it running from the road, on our way to Mt. Fuji. Oh, Mt. Fuji is quite stunning to look at. I could even see the top which is usually covered by clouds.

So off to Mad Mouse (1 lap). What an awesome layout this mouse has, much different from the typical. http://www.coastergallery.com/japan/FH15.html

Great picture.

We had a few minutes left, but not enough to buy another ticket and ride something. Birdmen was not running. Come on Fuji-Q, its been how long? Double Loop and Zola 7 both looked interesting, but we had to leave.

Overall, It’s too bad I didn’t get more time to enjoy the park, but I’m extremely grateful I got to ride Fujiyama.

Next up: CP of the east.

*** This post was edited by PT300 on 6/27/2002. ***

That sucks you didn't ride Dodonpa. It looks so cool. Nice Trip Report.

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

So I'm not the only one who was there and didn't get to ride Dodonpa. Sucks, doesn't it :(

Birdmen is STILL closed? That sucks too. I wonder if it will ever reopen.

(Shamless plug:) For pictures of Fujikyu: http://www.coastergallery.com/japant/FH.html (End shamless plug)

Glad you got to ride Fujiyama, PT300. It's a great one! :)

- Peabody

Your a lucky dog! Well kinda.

One possitive to 1 train operation: no stacking! ( we hope)

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