Ray & Yolanda are my favorite.
*** Edited 5/11/2006 3:22:36 AM UTC by gomez***
I want BJ and Tyler to win. Go Hippies!:)!:)!
Oh well, Team Chip & Kim Forever!
~I'm a summerlover!~
Yes, go hippies. Although I wouldn't be sad if Ray and Yolanda won. They're way cool.
On Dodonpa, I just talked to someone who rode it, and he said he was involuntarily shaking afterwards, it was so intense. Must ride.
Go BJ and Tyler!
Doponda's location is amazing and I'd love to ride it one day. I wonder if its um, special, like Hypersonic XLC? That one beat us up a bit but was still cool. They should have an Amazing Race coasters of the world edition.
the teams in the commercial were saying they were having trouble reading at that speed.
No... really!!! ;-)
Based on a certain website, the reviewer says that Dondonpa squished his testicles like a pancake. Ouch.
FQ Highland's looks like fun. Tokyo looks fun as well.
I would have liked to see Ray and Yolanda win, but BJ and Tyler ran a great race, start to finish.
Responding to gomez's comment, the family edition was so bad because obviously they rarely left the United States. Part of the thrill of The Amazing Race is watching people completely out of their element in different cultures trying to survive and make it to the mat each week. It's watching eleven teams of two tearing open an envelope and flying off to some foreign destination and not driving a full-size SUV to Pennsylvania Dutch Country. The disparity in people's ages was a huge turn-off too. Who wants to see two little children told that they've been eliminated? I don't think they'll ever repeat that mistake again.
Anyway I could not be more thrilled that BJ & Tyler one the race this season. Host Phil Keogan was right: at every pit-stop, whether they finished in first or last place, they continually showed the same joy and enthusiasm for the race. They also celebrated each culture then encountered and mixed it up with the locals. And heck they didn't even start to "play dirty" until the very end...and I think even then they had a hard time feeling good about doing so, LOL!
And the Frat Boys? They played dirty, even cancelling other team's cabs. They thought their karmic retribution was that their cab didn't show as well...turns out karma waited until the last roadblock to dole out payback. Did they not learn anything from what happened to Team Mojo when they fostered bad karma? ;)
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