free RCT2 software

General Mills has a promotion where software for various games including Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 are distributed in cereal boxes (Cheerios, etc.). It's great for those of us on limited game budgets or just don't have the video / CPU horsepower for RCT3.

So for $2-4, you can get a new game and enough cereal to feed you through your 48-hour Roller Coaster Tycoon gaming frenzy. :)

I can't tell if this promotion is across North America or Canadian-only. If it is Canadian-only, I have a word of caution for Americans shopping in Canada -- check the language version of the software before you buy it. (I accidentally went home a French-only version of Monopoly during a previous promotion.)

OK, off-topic... but...

RCT2 isn't just for people without fast video cards and CPUs.... some of us run it because it is a better game than RCT3. My PC can run any game out there (except for Battlefield 2... my video card is a little older). But RCT3 was terrible on it. Glad I sold it.

Exactly...RCT2 is great !

Playing oldschool RCT(2) with a bowl of cereal in front of me is heaven...playing RCT3 on the other hand, with or without cereal, is pure frustration.

RCT3 is better because you can ride the rides i love that im trying to build the winjammer ride on it

Um. No it isn't.
The coaster camera is very choppy. RCT3 doesn't even compare to the RCT and RCT2.
Boy, that sure beats the HotWheels clones i used to get when i was kid.
I loved RCT2. I love RCT3, when it works.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


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