Freakish Carnie Rides

Speaking of Break Dance rides has anyone ever been on the Break Dancer at Astroland?! My God it's insane!

Heres another Freak Show Carnie Ride: the old Ring of Fire rides

*** This post was edited by Cygnus12 10/9/2003 8:20:10 PM ***

Cygnus: You're referring to the Mondial Shake:


Gosh, I guess I haven't been to a carnie in a long time. Yeah, some Zippers look pretty shady, especially that you're only held in by that little bolt. When that ride gets going, it flings you in all sorts of directions (i've been stuck upside down for several seconds, only then to do like 6 loops in a row!). I like the fact that every ride is different, and it gives you a feeling of iminent death - it's probably the ride I'm most scared to go on, but feel especially satisfied once i "conquer" it.

I miss the skydivers. I haven't seen one in years. If you want real torture, try the Roll-O-Plane. I went on one once, and every time we came around the bottom, my leg got pinched between some metal hinge or something. It was the most painful ride I've been on, and I left it with my leg bleeding and bruised.

Other than that, I don't find many other carnie rides very thrilling, or very unsafe - although I haven't ridden any of the more modern rides, some of which look pretty crazy. I don't know if this counts as a carnie ride or not, but one of the best flats I've ever been on was Evolution at SFGAdv. It looked like it could have been portable. I hope it's working in Kentucky or wherever it went.


ps - last time i saw a "Sky Wheel" was while watching "The Jerk." :)
S:ROS; SFNE. Ride it, and you'll understand.

Great Adventure's ride was a Giant Evolution and, to my knowledge, was not portable. However, the smaller "Evolution" rides are portable.

Great Adventure's ride is now operating (Is it actually operating?) at Six Flags St. Louis as Xcalibur.

As far as Great Adventure's other flats go, nothing compares, really, to Jump as far as I'm concerned.

What do I Listen-To?
Hot stuff.

Actually, GAdv/SfStL's Evolution *is* portable and, in fact, used to travel in Europe before Six Flags bought it. It's just no longer trailer-mounted.

*** This post was edited by coasterdude318 10/12/2003 12:57:20 AM ***

coasterdude318 said:
Actually, GAdv/SfStL's Evolution *is* portable and, in fact, used to travel in Europe before Six Flags bought it. It's just no longer trailer-mounted.

*** This post was edited by coasterdude318 10/12/2003 12:57:20 AM ***

I can't believe I forgot that. Having never seen it with its trailers, though, I can't imagine what sort of setup that'd be like.

Do you have any idea how many trailers it took to rack that ride?

What do I Listen-To?
Hot stuff.

According to Adam Sandy ( it would travel with approximately 14 trailers in the States.


^Yeah, 14 Trailers seems about right for the faircircuit also.

In addition to that a huge crane was needed everytime the Evolution was erected/disassambled.

I think with its huge capacity and quite high admission the ride could have made good money inspite of the monstrous costs. But sadly Evolution was not the big hit with the audience it should have been.

People stood and stared in awe in 92 when the ride debuted. But that was more or less all they did. Many people were simply afraid of the height. Others refused to ride because of the high admission combined with the short ride cycle. After just one rotation of the main arm, the ride was finished! It just seemed not to offer the thrills it promised.

Two rides were built for the german fair circuit: Evolution, which went to the US in 95. And Imperator, which can now be found in the Prater Park (Vienna, Austria). A third, stationary version was produced for a japanese park.

The italian copies became a far bigger success, saleswise.

When the operators finally decided to funk up the ride time and play around with the ride (stopping the center arm at 90° and reverse the movement), they had already decided to get rid of the massive machines in favour of something smaller. (Evolution was replaced by the Mondial Inferno, which is three times smaller but a hundred times more thrilling).

When the rides opened in ´92 showmen were confident that this was just the beginning of an era of giant rides. Little did they know that that era would start 10 years later in amusement parks.

Check out

They have videoclips of all their wonderful rides. There is as well the amazing new Ultra Max, which takes the Frisbee concept to an (expected) new progression.

Thunder Dolphins are GO!

I never went on SFGAdv's Evolution even though SFGAdv is my homepark. I like how the bigger Evolutions have to speed the wheel up to a high speed first before moving the main arm. the smaller Evolutions have slower wheel speeds, I think it's because the larger ones have swinging cars like the Enterprise and the smaller ones have cars that raise hydrolicly.


You never went on it because it was never open!

Dollywood: Exploding onto the coaster scene since 2004!

I wonder if any of you can help me....

I went on a ride at my hometown was called "Freak Out". It looked like a miniature Delerium, but the seats were facing inward (4 to a side, looked like B&M invert cars). and instead of a circle, it was like a square, but no corners connecting each side. It did the whole swing and spin thing, and even took you past a 90* angle, which semi-suprised me, as my hometown fair isn't very large.

I'm trying to figure out who made was too much fun.

Freak Out is a KMG Fireball, I believe.

What do I Listen-To?
Hot stuff.

Musik Express is freakin' awesome!!!

Also, Ring Of Fires.

God wants spiritual fruits, not religious nuts!

If you have love for Top Thrill Dragster, copy this and put it in your signature.

Yeah, I just found it at one of the flatride

I was suprised, it was actual very fun...Especially when it hits the highest this one swung over the path. You were directly above all these different people staring up at you. I wonder how high it actually gets?
*** This post was edited by cp_wt 10/12/2003 8:06:48 PM ***

Rob Ascough said:
That's the ride. Wow... McDonagh's version looks beautiful! I'd love for the chance to ride one, but I haven't see one come to a carnival/fair around NJ in years!

A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002

The 2002 Ohio State Fair had one of those, and they might have had one this year.

Webmaster, Extreme PKI!

I went on the Fireball once(it's like Freak Out only with 6 cars) at the Meadowlands Fair. That thing pulls some monster Gs at the bottom of the swing! It's a good ride but I could only take it once, I had to sit down after that one.

*** This post was edited by Cygnus12 10/12/2003 9:29:03 PM ***

Has anyone ever been on a ride called "Tempest"? There used to be one at Funtown Pier in Seaside, NJ but they got ride of it after 1 year. It looked like fun.


Chernabog said:
Clearly, Vater, you haven't experienced the flat ride bliss that is the Zamperal Windshear.

What type of program was the Zamperla Windshear you rode running? The one at Six Flags New Orleans isn't all that amazing but it is a lot of fun. The arms twist individually two times, the second leaving you hanging upside down in the air. It eventually flips and tilts down and up a few times while going in a topspin-like motion. It gets in a position fixed position and the bottom and the ride platform stays in that position as the arms raise it in the air upside down and makes three complete flips (which are quite a headrush), and that's basically it.

They used to have a Windshear on Moreys Piers in Wildwood. It was called Strom there. It flips alot more than any Top Spin I've been on but The harnesses are kinda loose on it. I rather be pinned to the seat on those kinds of rides.


Interesting fact (although I'm not exactly sure about it). I've been told SFNO's windshear came from Magic Springs Amusement Park (unbuilt) and from Morey's Piers before then (operated for 2 years).

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