Fox 32-Walter Jacobson's Perspective

Well, folks, it seems the overzealous media had struck again. Tonight on Chicago's Fox 32, Walter Jacobson has another installment of his "perspective" segment, where he does human interest stories. Normally, I think they are very informative, and very tastefully done. However, tonight, it appears he's doing a segment on someone needing brain surgery as a result of roller coasters...

When will they read each other's material and realize it's all a bunch of Markey's sensationalism!?

Welcome to Six Flags Great America, home of the fastlane and delay-ja vu! We have now officially been deemed the world-wide wait!

It's a shame. For some reason, it doesn't surprise me. We'll keep seeing these pop up from time to time...

Formally Known as Ozzyhead.

Walter Jacobson is starting to make me mad, he thinks he's like Larry King.
Jeff's avatar

Sounds to me like he's just a local schmuck who doesn't know his head from his ass. There's one in every market, and they never leave.

Wait and see what he comes up with for sweeps in a couple of weeks.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

Actually Jeff, he is a well known news man who has been reporting here in Chicago for like 20 years or so. He doesnt usually just "go with the flow" so to speak.

I havent seen it yet so I cant judge but it is surprising for Walter Jacobson to do something like this.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

stoogemanmoe's avatar

Man no, not Walter too! He has been a respectable news anchor in Chicago for like Scott says, 20 years. He does know his head from his ass Jeff. He is telling only the research that the jackasses write for him and they get their info off the wire and most of the time what comes of the wire is crap. We all know this. I think the girl that is suing Six Flags is just in it for the money and that's the problem with everyone today sue e'm for everytihng they got. Sensationalism, ain't it great?

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!
stoogemanmoe and places to get discount Six Flags Great America tickets!

Networks want ratings, Jacobson wants to please his network... I mean it's Fox for christ sake- they're the ones that bring us such tasteful programming. What would we do without celebrity boxing, Cops, or Temptation Island???

Did you know that 1 in every 5 American teenagers believes that the US declared its independence from FRANCE???

I saw it, some girl needed brain surgery after a day at SFGAm and her parents are suing SF for millions of dollars. Apparently the "big rides" caused her injury, yet, they don't seem to think that the girl's hobby could've contributed. She was an extremely active ice skater, who would skate every day even during the summer. This could've given her a pre-existing condition and the coasters merely pushed it over the edge. She needed immediate surgery, she complained of intense headache and had a seizure late that night. Now this could've been caused by the coasters, but with so many people riding, possibly weaker than her, why don't we hear more about these injuries?

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

Ok, little about Walter Jacobson here...

He was a very respected anchor somewhere else around here. (I forget which network.) A few years back, he moved to Fox, and many out here agree, he lost his block.

He's been doing these perspective stories for some time, most completely laughable. I guess it would make sense to go against the grain, but I considered him to be insane, even before tonight.

Actually, I'm not surprised Walter went for this one. I didn't watch it, but I could just hear his narraratives about the "dangers" of coasters while footage of coasters plays on the screen. It is true that he should've done more research this time, as he always did in the past.

Formally Known as Ozzyhead.

Jeff's avatar

First of all, there's a difference between Fox the network and a Fox affiliate. I've seen very good news programming by Fox affiliates in some markets (Cleveland not being one of them).

If the guy has been in the market for 20 years, he's either comfortable or not good enough for network TV.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

i stopped watching Walter back in the late 80's after Challenger exploded and he got up there during his "Perspective" and accused NASA of being "murderers". he then went on to say that manned space flight is unneccesary and there was no reason to put people on that flight.

i was so outraged i never watched Walter again.

i am just as outraged about this now...must be a slow newsday for Walter. Jeff, you are so right. Walter IS a schmuck.

BTW, i have MS and i am probably the LAST person who should be riding coasters, but my neuro hasn't said no, so i'm gonna do it!!


i am servo on GTTP...hehehehe

FOX 'news' in general is a disgrace. The fact that people watch this 'news', and believe it, is a far bigger problem than a few people getting hurt on rides!

With everything that is going on in the world, a 'news' program should be put off the air for focusing on something as trivial and unimportant as a theme park.

Commercial news is a joke, and FOX is the worst.


Cameron Silver

FOX News is the worst, but I watch it because it's on at 10 p.m., not 11 p.m., which is later than I like to stay up.

Perhaps this Jacobson is on the same downhill road as Jerry Springer.... for those who don't know, he went from Mayor of Cincinnati to feel-good news reporter to sleaze merchant.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

stoogemanmoe's avatar

Ok, I saw the news cast in the early morning (the rerun) You guys are right. Walter has finally truly lost it. I'm outraged that he said all the crap he said. He has all the facts sooo sooo wrong. Walter, get with the program dude! There is no way in hell that the day of coaster riding at Great America caused that kid any trauma at all. Her parents and the lawyer are money hungry idiots. I think these people need to be put away for lying about how her injury happened. It happened as a PRE EXISTING CONDITION. I hate these people, including Walter.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!
stoogemanmoe and places to get discount Six Flags Great America tickets!

FOX 19 here in cincy loves PKI so much that when the Beast bumped they mentioned it for like 5 seconds. 3 had Jeff seibert telling that everyone was ok and returned to the park. They have features every year before PKI opens. My guess why they arent grilled and tossed like other stations is PKI is a huge sponcer of theres. Maybe six flags should get more commericals on that station.

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

I am sick of all this, and I know it probably will never end. This is America. I think it should be our CHOICE to ride dangerous thrill rides, as long as we aren't harming anyone else. Of course, the rides AREN'T even Dangerous! But even if they were, I still stand to that.
i hate those damn pity stories that he does...we need more corey mcferrin and sports...
stoogemanmoe's avatar
No I want to see more hot women on the newscasts, doing the sports. :)

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!
stoogemanmoe and places to get discount Six Flags Great America tickets!

I'm surprised that so many people are alarmed that WJ would do this piece, as it fits his style to a "T." Walter always likes to make himself out as a "man of the people"-type journalist who will take issue with Corporate America's offenses against the little guy. Remember the scathing piece he did when Boeing pulled out of the Chicago deal at the last minute? It was really impressive stuff for primetime network news.

It just so happens that this time his angle doesn't agree with our sensibilities as enthusiasts. We see this as Markey inspired sensationalism, while WJ sees another Corporate Giant (SF) out to get the little guy, or girl, in this case.

I'm not saying I agree with WJ, I'm just saying that it makes perfect sense to me to see him do the bit.

chris - who agress with Cameron 110% about the quality of news content on the boob tube.

*** This post was edited by chris on 7/2/2002. ***

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