Formula 1:Drop of Doom?

koolcat1101's avatar

I saw this and I was confused:

I know Port Adventura planned a Ferrari themed area but they already have a drop tower.

Tekwardo's avatar

Several Japanese parks have both Intamin and S&S towers.

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koolcat1101's avatar

Dude PortAdventura is in Spain and besides both towers are reportedly Intamin

sirloindude's avatar

I think I just broke my nose from facepalming so hard.

Last edited by sirloindude,

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

Tekwardo's avatar

koolcat1101 said:

Dude PortAdventura is in Spain and besides both towers are reportedly Intamin

*sigh* I realize that.

You were commenting that you didn't understand why a park in Spain is adding another drop tower. My comment was that it wasn't uncommon, and I even provided an example.

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LostKause's avatar

Example... Demon Drop and Dominator at Dorney Park are pretty much right beside each other. lol

koolcat1101's avatar

oh I thought you were saying that one is S&S.

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