Forgotten rides/elements

With  the newer rides and elements in the expansion packs what older rides and elements do you find yourself not using any more?  I personally  have not built a standup coaster from the original RCT since cf/aa came out with the B&M style   and I havent built an inverted coaster with a small loop since the large loops became available in loopy landscapes.

I also rarely build a standard steele coaster or heartline twister and  never build a figure 8  


When I play, I still build everything, except the Togo-style coasters (heartline and standup)

I don't build the heartline because they just plain suck, not because there have been better ones developed for the game. I don't build the stand up because the steel twister has a higher capacity, more exciting, less intense version (it is less intense and more exciting. Build a steel twister exactly like a stand up and you'll see)

I always build steel coasters, alway have, always will. I think the prefab Shuttle Loop is the best ride that comes with the game. Sure, you can build an inverted shuttle thats more exiciting, but I think that those cost way too much more for the lack of being able to charge more for it, too.

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I hate that stupid heartline thing, is there even one in real life???  It bothers me so much, because it looks so stupid and makes the park look stupid.  And if you are trying to make the perfect looking park with every ride the game has to offer, than that just messes it all up.  Same with that weird reverser coaster.  But than again, I don't mind accessories. 
Real heartline coasters are found in Japan and there is one in Astroworld Houston Texas called ultra twister    I only use reverser coasters for dark rides   the spinning action is good for that.  In my Kimberly Lake Mission To Mars park  I have a section where the car spins  out of control battling a robot(that satelite looking thing form the martian theming)  I have a togo style standup(shockwave/king cobra) I got off the internet that uses the original standup train on a steel coaster track (made with a trainer)  that looks realistic  but the regular standup from the original RCT just doesnt look right  and it doesnt even have  helixes with it

I would like to see  an arrow pipeline coaster in any new expansion packs.  That would be better than the heartline twisters.    Maybe we could get some other rides that never made it off the drawing board like a looping arrowbatic  or hammerhead stall 

I would be happy with a working impulse and not some funky made up deal IE a reverse launching SLC or taking an Invert and putting dive machine track on it.  Other then that I rarely use the old wooodies unless I build a park with history then I will.  No heartlines, no togo standups, and thats about it.
Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?
Well, this seems to be a trend -- I pretty much use everything except the Heartline and Nogo Standups.


I DO tend to build plenty of woodies, though.

"The questions ticket agents ask at airports are useless, but give an illusion of security to the GP. Much like seatbelts on roller coasters...
My page

As for the impulses  I have an idea   there could be an option, like reverse incline shuttleand powered launch mode,  that allows for station run thru  and an option for multiple circuits   so when you launch the train it  returns and runs up the back hill behind the staion, like the old shuttle loops(viper  king cobra montezumas revenge) and with multi cicuits you could set it up for 4 or 5 circuits  and it would be alot like    the real impulse 

multi circuit options would be good on other coasters too if you want to give the guests more than one ride

a few other rides I almost never use are the old style monorail train  that bicycle thing  wooden wild mouse and rowboats

     Well I must say, sometimes I forget that people enjoy flat rides too and I end up building way to many coasters. One thing I don't do anymore, is use the 2 across on the Inverted coasters because it doesn't look right. I rarely build the single-rail coaster anymore. Togo standups however I do build alot, because in some parks the money issue comes in and, well it's just darn cheaper to built the Togo instead of the B&M. When the money does roll in though, B&M is always my top choice of any coasters. I build an SLC when the money for a B&M invert isn't there. Sounds like real life...
Premier, head of the lapbar revolution!

GregLeg said:
Well, this seems to be a trend -- I pretty much use everything except the Heartline and Nogo Standups.

Lol... did you mean  to type "NO-GO"? Or was it just a mistake? I think TOGO coulod change thier name to that... no one would buy anything, but maybe that's a good thing...

NOGO is right! And TOGO stands for "Try Once Get Off".

Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides

I hated WindJammer and Manhattan Express.
Joke: Why does Riddler's line move so slow?

Answer: It's sponsored by AOL.

I have only used the "NOGO" standup in my urban park with one car and called it pedestrian. I do use the reverser coasters that go through the woods and they have to have at least one tunnel. I dont use the heartline thing and I avoid that air powered one like Dondonpa and Hpersonic becase when I build a really good one it messes up the look of my park because it has wooden supports and not steel supports. Everything else I build excessively.
Is there somthing more, then what I've been handed, I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answers!- Hoobastank
RCmuzikGuy, just build a chairlift underneath it. We a litte work, you can make it look like i only has a few support columns ever few yards. You should never want to not build air powered coasters. Those things are always high excitement and never crash (if they are a complete circut.)
I have no signature.
I would build air powereds moreif you could do more, like make a feew bunny hops after the spike or helixes. Luanch-spike-180 degree turn- straight-180 degree turn-station, a bit to simple for my liking.

"This Movie spent way to much money on special effects, look they couldnt even afford to buy those little dudes shoes!"

Actually, about the TA2K, I believe the game refers to that kind of support as a "steel lattice support".

If you don't want it to look wooden, just paint it any color other than brown (since brown makes it look like wood). Gray, black, and white especially look like metal.

RCT hypercoaster crazy!

I think sawyer put the air powered  coaster  on the game based on the prototype  seen on discovery channel  note the shoulder harnesses  instead of lapbars      I'm sure someday we will see a real one that does more than the up and over trick
i rarely use the air powerd (messes up the view of the park)and i never use the Wooden Reverser (looks dumb and goes wrong way around)

i'm getting into building real looking coasters, not the insanely big coasters but the real life thing, not to big and not to small

off season.....
to long.....
must ride coaster....

john13601 Hammerhead stall HAS made it off the drawing board !!!

it was made, constructed and tested (at vekoma)

then it was put on transport to Spain  because the owner of a hotel wanted it, that guy died, new owner did'nt want the coaster, Vekoma called Six Flags Inc.


it was almost build @ Six Flags Holland but that got cancelled (why? why!) and now Hammerhead stall is rusting away on a belgium parking lot.....

off season.....
to long.....
must ride coaster....

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