For Buzzers with large track records..

I am just curious,for those with large track records,say 100 coasters or more,if you keep a top ten or top five personal list,How many times have you had to change your list and,were there any big suprises?
I have a very mediocre track record with hopes to experience alot of new things in the next two years but,i don't have a personal favorite coaster because,i like lot's of differant elements on coasters and,i can't seem to be partial to any particular element.Just a quick example,I love hypercoasters but,i always walk down the exit ramp thinking how much i'd love to see a certain looping element added to it.


*** This post was edited by Rickyswmn on 7/19/2001. ***
I gave up on ranking coasters when my track record hit around 50. I simply decided that there were too many good rides, and it was very hard for me to pick A over B.

Now that my record is 117 (still small compared to some members' lists), I've only had that idea reinforced. I have transient favorites (such as Phantom's Revenge right now), but actually RANKING them? I just couldn't do it anymore.

You don't even need to have a large track record to give up on the rankings. I only have 40+ in mine (only 37 or so which are covered on the Coasterbuzz data base), and I don't even keep a "top 10" list. I do have my favorites though. As far as which coasters are in my top 10 favorites? Well... what day is it?

The thing that I find odd... I find alot of people who keep top 10 lists do one of the following...

1) Bump older coasters off their list constantly for newer ones.

2) Keep sentimental favorites on their lists, no matter how many coasters they ride

3) Refuse to put a coaster on their list even if they did like it... because they can't admit to liking it because it is at a park that they consider in "competition" with their favorite park.

4) Are the first to fanatically defend their favorites and tear down their non favorites (or any other coasters that they perceive as a "threat" to their favorites)

Do I have some I like better than others? Of course. Do I have a sentimental favorite? Of course. But that is as far as I will go... rankings I find to be too subjective. And besides... if I can't even agree on my own favorites, how am I to expect anyone else to?

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."
Greg said: I simply decided that there were too many good rides, and it was very hard for me to pick A over B.

Exactly the reason why i don't rank or have a personal favorite.I have been told numerous times i am crazy because, i can't say that i like Nitro better then i like Medusa or,that i can't say Nitro does more for me then Steel Force.Steel Force was my first hyper and when i rode Nitro this year my husband asked me which was better but,i couldn't come up with an answer for him because, for differant reasons i like them equally the same.


staticman00's avatar
Yeah, I don't like being biased or slective like that. Most people like to have a winner, so they make these completely irrelevant lists up, and base some form of logic off it. Wanna know what my #1 coaster is? The one I'm on at the moment!

"Before you see the light, you must DIE!"
I sort of have a top ten list, a few sweet coasters, and then surprising coasters will get a spot like FoF and Big Bad Wolf. It can be hard to decide my 2-10 because I know that MF is my #1 steel and ST is my #1 wood. Greg is right, there can be so many good rides, it becomes hard to pick 10 of the best.

Craig, nearing 1,000
I gave up on making lists. Tried it once and realised I had too many favorites. I could give you my favorites in no particular order if you want that? But otherwise, I usually can't say that was better than that unless it was significantly more fun for me. My least favorites are easy though. ;) Since I know PKI very well, I know what coasters I would take over to next say if they were lined up in a row. But still, if I were at the park, I would take a ride an each and every one of them as they come. Even though FOF is probobly my fave coaster there, I have yet to actually pass up Action Zone and all the other rides along the way just for that. I like the total experience instead of just having my day "scrpted". Same thing goes for any park I visit. Making a list for one park is a lot easier than trying to gather all of them, but still kind of unnecessary. If I did make a list, I don't think many, if any coasters would be sentimental.

Some surprise coasters for me were: Gwazi, Viper(GAm), Thunder Run, The Legend, and the Riverside Cyclone for wood. For steel, Gemini, Kraken, (the "all-new")Flight of Fear, Whizzer, and SUE.

If you cared, I think "Space Mountain" at WDW is one of the "funniest" coasters I've ever been on and one I could ride all day. It's just plain all-out fun.

Danny, who doesn't know why he had a lot more fun on the Mountain than Montu ??? *** This post was edited by Koaster King on 7/19/2001. ***
weather you like it or you dont you will have some kind of ranking in your head. every time you step off a ride i bet you think was that better then this was that better then that. you probably know what your top 5 is you just want to believe you dont rank coasters. you cant fight saying im not gonna say if this coaster was better then this coaster when you get off a ride.

but what slfake said is almost sooo true. the more recent you've ridden it the better you think it is compared to everything else.
1.Fire Dragon, 2.Ice Dragon, 3.Raptor, 4.Kraken, 5.Batman Knight Flight
I can't keep a top ten list. It's way too hard and not worth the effort. Coasters are so different from each other. How can you compare Ghostrider to MF to Hypersonic? There is nothing similar about many rides. I do have some I enjoy much more than others, but who cares? I consider myself lucky that my life involves lots of travel and I can arrange to visit parks when I'm somewhere new. I'm not going to worry about what is "better", I'm just going to have fun riding and surf coasterbuzz when I'm jetlagged!

- Peabody
Well I'm far more willing to rank things than others are. Like Greg, my list is around that 120 mark and I do have a *somewhere there abouts* top ten. Meaning, if you asked me to think about it, I could probably come up with one. But that list changes quite frequently, sometimes even without me having ridden some of the coasters in a while.

Basically, I do head to head comparisions, which would I rather ride S:ROS or Phantom's Revenge? That's relatively easy for me to do within a genus (woodies, loopers, inverts, hypers). But it gets much more complicated when I try to just generally lump all steel coasters together. I like hyperstyle coasters more than loopers period. So even though I think that Montu and Kraken are the best loopers I've been on, they still would fall behind all the hypers I've ridden. But really though, after about the top two or three coasters in any given catagory, I tend to like them more equally. But I will say that there are certain standouts.

The only thing that I can definitively say right now, that there isn't a coaster that I've been on that I want to re-ride right now more than The Legend.
--who *knows* why Danny had more fun on the Mountain than Montu: It's called CRACK! (that's for the bastard comment :))
It's hard for me to rank coasters because I forget what the ones I went on a while ago were like. For example, I only rode Texas Giant three times over a year ago. I remember I really loved it, and thought it was my favorite coaster tied with Ghostrider.

However, as time wore on, I forgot the ride experience. Since then, I have ridden new favorites such as Roar, The Boss, Screamin' Eagle, Top Gun etc... I can't remember if I like Roar, something I went on a week ago, as much as Texas Giant, something I rode over a year ago. In fact, I only rode the Boss three weeks ago, and I'm already starting to forget the ride experience and exactly how much I enjoyed it.

Therefore, I think it's pointless to try to make top ten lists of rides I've been on for all time. I can't compare the "forgotten" rides to the ones that are still fresh in my memory. Does that make sense? I hope so. I just tell everyone Ghostrider is my favorite and leave it at that! :)
PCW-2002 said:
"weather you like it or you dont you will have some kind of ranking in your head. every time you step off a ride i bet you think was that better then this was that better then that. you probably know what your top 5 is you just want to believe you dont rank coasters. you cant fight saying im not gonna say if this coaster was better then this coaster when you get off a ride.

You are absolutely rite,there are coasters that i think are better then others but,for me,there is no coaster as of yet that holds the number one spot in my mind.I guess i am a very strange person because,when i get off a coaster i am not comparing it to any other coaster i've been on.
Say i've just gotten off of an arrow looper,the first thing i'm thinking to myself(at least when i get off GASM) is,the loops were great and i am so disoriented but,to bad i had to experience some head banging during the ride.I am not looking for a coaster to compare it to although i could if i thought that way about it.I do have a group of coasters that i find i enjoy more then others but,i can't label them 1-10 simply because they all do something good but in differant ways.
I have a coaster that i find is funny to ride.It is a wild mouse located on the boardwalk by me.I laugh the entire time because it moves so slowly yet yanks you around like crazy.I thought it was great that koaster king added that in.Part of my purpose for this topic was to see how the variety of coasters have affected those who carry a ranking list.I understand that everyone has their preferences and thats cool but,i don't.I enjoy loopers just as much as i enjoy hypers and woodies.


As you can see I have a top five. My top five is not set in stone. As a matter of fact I added S:ROS earlier this year after I went on it. After 5 it gets hard to say what is the better coaster. My criteria is, if my park could have five coasters in it only which five would I pick. I will defend my picks but I am not going to bring anyone elses down. everyone has their likes and dislikes in a roller coaster and so what everyone puts is their own opinion and I respect that. I think some people's favorites are also dependant on how good of a day someone had at a park. I could have had a great tme at Cedar Point with my friends and laughed and had a great time while we were waiting and then when we got done with Millenium Force. The next person could have been there on a cold wet day with crabby people and therefore hated it. The following are my picks because I liked certain elements in them and you can agree or disagree I don't care.

Top 5 coasters:
1. The Beast 2. Millenium Force 3. The Incredible Hulk 4. Superman: ROS (SFNE) 5. Alpengeist
2Hostyl said:
"Well I'm far more willing to rank things than others are. Like Greg, my list is around that 120 mark and I do have a *somewhere there abouts* top ten. Meaning, if you asked me to think about it, I could probably come up with one. But that list changes quite frequently, sometimes even without me having ridden some of the coasters in a while."

Ok, 2Hostyl, you asked for it: 1)S:ROS-SFNE 2)Apollo's Chariot 3)The Legend 4)Ghostrider 5)Kraken 6)Fire Dragon 7)Shivering Timbers 8)Son of Beast 9)Magnum 10)Gwazi. Just for you. In no particular order. ;)

"Basically, I do head to head comparisions, which would I rather ride S:ROS or Phantom's Revenge? That's relatively easy for me to do within a genus (woodies, loopers, inverts, hypers)."

That's probobly the easiest and most reasonable way for me to do it. I mean, how can I really chose between Ride of Steel and The Legend? Boy would my mouth water if a version of ROS went to SFStL next year. Mmmm. My two favorite coasters on the same trip? That would blow me away.

"But it gets much more complicated when I try to just generally lump all steel coasters together. I like hyperstyle coasters more than loopers period. So even though I think that Montu and Kraken are the best loopers I've been on, they still would fall behind all the hypers I've ridden."

All loopers would be behind ALL hypers? Hmmm. I don't know if I can believe that. Maybe Steel Force was just having a bad day. I'll have to say the same about Montu. It was rather slow when I rode a week ago. Way less intense than even Ice Dragon which really surprised me.

P. Dinny, who *knows* Jeremy is on CRACK for not getting up to SFNE yet and *knows* his crack! :)
Mo' Money, Mo' Coastas!
KK said "All loopers would be behind ALL hypers? Hmmm. I don't know if I can believe that."

Well for me on the steel side its 1. Raging Bull, 2. S:ROS @ SFA, 3. Phantom's Revenge, 4. Magnum, 5. Millennium Force, 6. Montu, 7. Kraken, 8. Top Gun: The Jet Coaster (Carowinds), 9. Mr. Freeze @ SFStL, 10. Fire Dragon

Similarly on the wooden side I am more partial to twisters. I really only know my top six of hand, but if I had to think of ten: 1. The Legend, 2. Son of Beast, 3. Viper @ SFGAm, 4. Raven, 5. Villian, 6. ROAR-east, (here it gets fuzzy) 7. Comet @ Hersheypark, 8. Gwazi-T, 9. Gwazi-L, 10. Cyclops (11. If you dont count the Gwazis separate Lightnig Racer (either side, they seem the same to me))

But let me stress that all of these coasters make me smile. The list of coasters that piss me off is much more exclusive ;)
J No, who can hear Phantom's Revenge calling Danny!
"Waiting for my ride Ohh, ohh "
"Nobody writes about the planes that land." Steve Salerno Washington Times 7-10-01
I don't keep a top 5 or top 10 list at all because 1. I don't have a large enough track record (5. Riddler's Revenge) to pull from and 2. I love most coasters no matter what so it's pointless really. (4. Ghostrider) I think if I had a larger base to draw from, (3. Goliath) I would probably start having personal favorites, heck, I already do, but I still don't think I would number or "rank" my coasters, (2. V2 at SFMW) which I don't do right now. So, there you have it, my opinion on ranking coasters. I don't do it. (1. Roar at SFMW) ;) :)
john peck's avatar
Even though I have been on 174 permanent coasters, try not to rate them all together in one list. Sure I do have all time favs... Magnum, Shivering Timbers...etc, but I try and enjoy each coaster I ride. Like recently, I was able to finally ride the Pheonix, but I never put it on my list as a number, I just enjoyed it.

Also I may attend a park thats my favorite, but it may not have my all time favorite coaster, I just go there to have plain clean fun.

I sometimes imagine myself making a top ten list, and its hard since there are so many good rides....
I try to look at coasters for their individual pluses and minuses rather than ranking them, but then I will occasionally make a qualified statement like, "Phoenix may be my favorite woodie." However, I don't attempt to keep a list of favorites with rankings.

Rickyswmn said: "I am just curious,for those with large track records,say 100 coasters or more,if you keep a top ten or top five personal list; How many times have you had to change your list and,were there any big suprises? "

I started riding coasters "fanatically" in 1998, and began ranking them in 1999. For a long time, Apollo's Chariot reigned as my #1 steel hyper,
Raven reigned as my #1 wood, Kumba reigned
as my #1 steel sit-down looper, Montu reigned as
my #1 inverted, and Volcano: The Blast Coaster
reigned as my #1 lauched.

So I never really kept a "top ten" or "top five" until late in 1999, because up until that point, I hadn't ridden that many rides that I considered remarkable.

But now I have a pretty solid top ten wood and a
top ten steel; it looks something like this:


1. S:RoS- SFNE 2. S:RoS- SFA 3. SUE-SFWoA 4. S:RoS- SFDL 5. Nitro- SFGAd 6. Apollo's Chariot- BGW 7. Kumba- BGT 8. Montu- BGT 9. Volcano: The Blast Coaster 10. Viper- SFoG


1. The Legend- Holiday World 2. Raven- Holiday World 3. Rampage- Visionland 4. Villian- SFWoA
5. Boulder Dash- Lake Compounce 6. Coney Cyclone- Astroland 7. The Boss- SFStL
8. Comet- The Great Escape 9. Phoenix- Knoebels. 10. Excalibur- Funtown

I have alot of rides like Rock N Rollercoaster, Yankee Canonnball, Skyliner, Wild One, Great White, Ice Dragon, or Georgia Scorcher; which are
"good, but not quite top ten quality."

So yes, I keep a top ten. This year, Nitro, SFOG's Viper, Excalibur, and Rampage blasted a few old timers out of my top ten. 'Doesn't mean any worse,
just means that more has come along that's better than it! :P

I also have a bunch of subdivisions like top 5 wood out n backs, top 5 wood twisters, top 5 steel loopers, top 5 steel hypers, top 5 steel inverteds, and top 5 steel launched. So, they not be my #1 overall, but they could be #1 in category _____.

Big suprises? Viper at SFoG.

Doesn't *anyone* else rank? :)

hey rob coasting maybe it was a mistake but how in gods green earth do you have superman at SFA #3 and then superman SFDL #5. it just seems soooo hord to understand. if one is rougher then the other then i cant see it being two spots away. i can see it being right behind it or like 10 spots away. also you have a coaster which is totally a different experince inbetween them. i could see another hyper inbetween because they do alot of the same things. but you have a totally different ride experience inbetween clones?

im just trying to understand thats all.
1.Fire Dragon, 2.Ice Dragon, 3.Raptor, 4.Kraken, 5.Batman Knight Flight

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