Flat Rides at SFGAm and MA

A few friends and I are taking a trip to SFGAm and MA later this month. In addition to getting as many rides on Raging Bull and the Timbers as possible, we want to know if there are any "don't miss" flat rides at these parks, especially any rides that CP does not have. Help from any locals would be greatly appreciated!
I rearly go on flat rides at SFGAm, but try to hit the Southwest Territory. Giant Drop, that boat ride, and others, are probably the best flat rides at the park. I'm not sure about MA, though.

Let the bears pay the Bear Tax, I pay the Homer Tax.
For GA, there are a few good flat rides that I enjoy riding.

1. Power Dive- a ship that spins 360 degrees in a full circe

2. Orbit- Rotating carts in a circle, then lifts into a loop

3. Richochet- Spinning ride, that swings in and out. Very Fun ride

4. Giant Drop- Isn't very flat, but very scary, and what a rush.

There are lots more, but these are the best, IMO
There is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people.
My girlfriend loves the stagecoach in the Southwest Territory of SFGAm. I would say don't miss the Cajun cliffhanger but unfortunatly its no longer running. Other than that the Fun Town Machine aka Merry Mixer is a fun ride, but thats also at CP.
You must, I repeat you must, ride the Fiddlers Fling which is right across from Iron Wolf. This is one of the best flat rides out there. It is like a Scrambler on drugs. Also check out the Chubasco in Southwest Territory. It is basically a teacup ride but if you have enough friends, you can spin till you puke.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
condor. there are not too many of these. it is basically a scrambler that raises up a pole to about 100 feet, and the cars swing out . Oh and you might get a car that squeaks as it swings out adding to the excitement!

welcome one and all, y'all come have a ball!
Things a bear-y fine, ridin' on the old knott's bear-y line!
Orbit, Triple Play, Fiddler's Fling, East River Crawler, Ricochet,& Trailblazer are my favorites in order. It's a shame you didn't go last year, they had 3 more, which were all pretty good (Sky Whirl, Cajun Cliffhanger, Hay Baler...) SFGAm has a good selection of flats, but most are "classics."
What exactly is the Fiddler's Fling and what was the Haybaler (generic names?)
ShiveringTim's avatar
FIddler's Fling is just like the CP Calypso and the Haybayler was like the CP Matterhorn. Don't know about manufacturers, but the rides are pretty much the same.

And before anyone else asks, the Orbit is an Enterprise, Triple Play a Troika, East River Crawler a Monster-type ride, Ricochet a Huss Swing Around, Trailblazer a themed Huss Rainbow (Falling Star type ride),and Cajun Cliffhanger a SBNO Rotor.

Scott W. Short
http://www.midwestcoastercentral.com *** This post was edited by ShiveringTim on 6/12/2001. ***
Don't miss Winky the Whale at MA! hahahaha
Do not miss the Columbia Carousel! How can you pass up the chance to go on a double decker carousel!?

Accually, you could easily, but it is fun. It feels like a regular carousel, unless your on top. Then it feels like your on a regular carousel 2 stories in the air.

Everybodys got something to hide except for me and my monkey!
Hometown Fun Machine, Triple Play, Orbit, Power Dive and one of the best rides (not really a flat ride though) Giant Drop. *** This post was edited by RagingBullGuy on 6/12/2001. ***
Power Dive, every time i go there i go on this one. SFGAM
Ricochet, I don't know why but i love this one.
Giant Drop, isn't very flat but it isn't a coaster, i think that it is one of the best rides in the park.
Hay Bailer, I think this is what it is called, anyway, it gives you good airtime, (right by Viper in southwest territory.)

Neil, "Boy Genius, Hope of Mankind"
Neil H., the Hay Bailer was removed. It was almost right next to Sky Whirl, and therefor had to be taken out for Deja Vu.
The rides I can think of by Viper that you might be talking about are... umm. The covered wagon. Is that what you mean?

Everybodys got something to hide except for me and my monkey!

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