First Visit to Six Flags Magic Mountain, Day 1/3 (6/30/13)

ThatStrangeKid42's avatar

Woke up this (Sunday) morning, at 4:3o a.m. Eastern Time. Yeah, very early. But if you're gonna be at Six Flags Magic Mountain the next three days - then, hey, it's worth it.

[Insert two plane rides here...]

We (me and my father, who very much enjoys tagging along for the rides, although he can't ride them all the way I can) finally arrived at the park at approximately 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time. I decided to start the day off with a less ridiculously crazy coaster - good ol' Viper. I was actually very impressed, it didn't seem as shaky as I expected, and the first drop and loop was awesome.

Then...drum roll 50th coaster. This is a milestone in coasting experience. And what a better way to celebrate that then ride X2? Half the time, everything was so blurry and fast, I could barely figure out what the heck was going on. The other half, I had no clue as to what was happening. Yet, unknown to me at the time, this would be my favorite ride of the day.

I was planning to try Tatsu next, but the long line scared me more than the actual coaster. So I decided to save that one for later. I then rode Full Throttle, which had amazing airtime on the first launch and 165-foot loop. The backwards launch was also kinda cool.

I was planning to hop on Goliath, but was attracted instead to a BBQ restaurant for dinner. Then, I tried out Riddler's Revenge. Not bad for a coaster in which my right foot fell asleep halfway through the ride.

Last (but not least) I did a nighttime ride on Tatsu. I felt it could've been a bit longer. But still a great ride, nonetheless. The pretzel loop had some pretty massive g-forces at the bottom.

That's pretty much it for Day 1. I think I did a decent job at getting things done, especially without a Flash Pass. Looking forward to Day 2, and will write about it tomorrow. 'Till then, peace out.

How long did you wait for Full Throttle? I'm just curious how much "new ride hype" lines will be for that ride.

LostKause's avatar

Great, short and to-the-point trip report. Can't wait to read about the next two days. I love the subtle humor.

Tekwardo's avatar

Three days at Magic Mountain? Ugh. I say go on a week day and then spend the other 2 days elsewhere. Knott's and Universal would be a good choice.

Have fun.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

ThatStrangeKid42's avatar

Tyler Boes said:

How long did you wait for Full Throttle? I'm just curious how much "new ride hype" lines will be for that ride.

The wait wasn't actually too bad. Maybe about half-an-hour. But keep in mind, the park wasn't crowded too bad as a whole.

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