First trip to Cedar Point in over 12 years (5/09/0

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Needless to say, a lot has changed in over 12 years. The day started off like crap, rained most of the way up to the point but by the time my friend and I got to Sandusky, the rain has stopped.

Got to the parking lot by about 9:15 and just seeing TTD through the fog made you feel like you could see god. Soon as the gates open, everyone ran to TTD but my friend and I decided to take our time and worked our way towards the back of the park. As we worked our way backed, the fogged lifted and you could see Mantis (with it's new paint job), Millie and Power Tower testing.

First thing on the ajenda was to ride Magnum. It didn't open up till around 10:20 cause of the rain storm that had just went through. So, while we waited we watch TTD test a few cars. There were 5 cars on each of the trains and boy were they booking over the top. Magnum finally opened and we were the first riders of the day and since it was my 1st time on the ride, my friend (Brett Bunker) put me in the first row of the 1st car. Needless to say, it was an experience of a life time and I was holding on for my life. After we got off, we got right back on and sat in the last car. Got some pretty good air time in the back like everyone says.

We made our way over to Gemini and the red train was only running. Got up to the station and the ride ops were training some newbees. It's a pretty good ride and found out way the blue train wasn't running, it was stuck at the bottom of the lift hill.

Decided to head back to Mean Streak and find out way everyone bashes this ride. We were the only 2 on the ride at the time it looked promising untill we got up the lift hill and saw the little trim brakes. Sure enough, they used them and it, for the most and just like other people have said, killed the ride. Although it wasn't as rough as people say it is, but it's just way way to slow.

We hopped on the train to take us over by Millie. On our way over I noticed that Mantis hadn't been running for awhile and we founded out while, it had valleyed coming out the mid-course brake run going into the corkscrew. From the train we made our way over to the 310 ft. monster. About 15 minute wait from the cue line. Only running the red train at that time while the yellow one still had the water dummies on it. 1st time on Millie and Brett puts me in the front car/second row. WoW, got some pretty good wind burn on that one. Nothing like looking straight up into the sky and then looking straight down at the ground.

Decided to hit Iron Dragon (my 1st supended coaster). It was alright and Jeff is right, theride does look naked with most of the trees gone. Made a trip over to Wildcat. Pretty good little ride, not to sure about the new paint job, but ol well. Had lunch and then walked over to the mother of all rides, Top Thrill. Figured the hour long wait would work off lunch.

Sure enough, it did and it took about an hour to get up to the station. Course the cool part was watching peoples' reaction when their train came into the brake run. Brett and I got up in row 4 and the adrenaline is picking up as we await our turn. Finally the gates open and we got on. We pulled up to the christmas tree (which wasn't working) and my heart is pumping faster and faster. We hear the cord connect and what I call them "lim fins" go down and then the music cuts out and everything comes crashing down. The excitment and adrenaline all went out the window. We waited about 10-15 minutes inside the car before maintaince came out and helped us get out of the car. So we proceeded to walk back into the station and back into the waiting thing was, we were able to cut everyone and get back to the front. About 20 minutes later, they got the thing going again and everyone let out a big cheer as the test train cleared the top. So, we got on the purple train and the excitment and adreanaline starts coming back up again and my heart is beating faster and faster. Got up to the tree again and this time, no hick-ups. All the critics were right and so as everyone that has posted a thread about the ride. It is, in one word, awsome. Never before did I feel like I was going to fly out of the seat when we creasted the top hat and seeing this big yellow thing coming straight at you as you're coming down. Got to the brake run, and everyone is high fiving each other and eveyone in the station and queue line is looking at us.

After that thrill rush, decided to do a little shoping. Got a dragster and magnum t-shirt to wear to SFWoA and see how many weird looks I get. Decided to hit Corkscrew...nothing like a good ol' fashion Arrow coaster to give to a lip lash. Working our way towards the front of the park, hit Blue Streak then Raptor. Sat in the front car on Blue Streak and let my tell you, that ride books. Walked on to Rapter and sat in the third row. The ride ops were pulling jokes on each other which was fun (won't see that at SFWoA). The ride was great, the helix at the end was intense (on the feet that is) then got into the brake run and did a little "head-n'-bang" which left Brett and I with a little headache for about a few minutes. We then walked over to Disaster Transport, now in 3D. Yeah, don't get the 3D glasses cause you'll be out of a buck and they really don't help out. Only time they're good for is in the queue line.

Went to see if Wicked Twister was running...and to no surprise it wasn't. So, Brett and I went back to Millennium and this time waited for the front seat. Only added and extra 15 minutes to the wait, but it sure was worth it. Got a big case of wind burn on this trip but it was still and awsome ride. Last ride of the day was on Magnum and this time we sat in the famed "ejector seat." Sure enough, it lived up to its name. Good amount of air time through the whole ride.

As we ended our day at the Point, they finally got Mantis running about quarter till 6, but chosed not to ride it.

All I have to say is that the place sure has changed in the last 12 years and for the most part, it's been a good 12 years of change. TTD lived up to the hype and Millie and Magnum lived up to theirs too. Can't wait to go again and get a ride on Wicked and Mantis and finish them all off

Top 3 Wooden Coasters: The Villain, Thunderbolt, Blue Streak
Top 3 Steel Coasters: Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum XL-200, Millennium Force
*** This post was edited by Jeff Rowe 5/11/2003 11:13:39 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Jeff Rowe 5/11/2003 11:17:09 PM ***

Are you sure TTD had 5 cars? It only has 4 now (or at least for now).
Positive and I got the pictures to prove it

Top 3 Wooden Coasters: The Villain, Thunderbolt, Blue Streak
Top 3 Steel Coasters: Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum XL-200, Millennium Force

Well, I did post the photo to TTDs data base...but I can see that it isn't up yet so, here you go:

Top 3 Wooden Coasters: The Villain, Thunderbolt, Blue Streak
Top 3 Steel Coasters: Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum XL-200, Millennium Force

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