First Trip to C P 8/6-8/7

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I finally got to go to Cedar Point. My brother, sister, cousin and I headed to C P. We first arrived at the park around 9. First we headed to Millennium Force. The wait was 45 min. the first drop was great. It was the best coaster I've ridden.

After that we headed to Iron Dragon. The wait was 30 min. It was a little rough. We then went to Wildcat, which had pretty good airtime. We then stopped and ate.

We then went to some flat rides in the area. Dodgehem, Matterhorn, and the Cadillac Cars. We then went to see Snoopy Rocks on Ice. I almost fell asleep a few times.

After that we headed to Blue Streak. the line was short. 10 min. This coaster has great air. We then went to Calypso and Cedar Downs. Then we rode Demon Drop. The line was 30 min. I had never been on a ride like this. We then saw Hooray for Hollywood. We saw these shows because my cousin really doesn't like coasters and wanted to see the shows. We then rode the train halfway to go on Whitewater Landing. The wait was 30 min. We really didn't get wet.

We then ate supper and headed to Cedar Creek Mine Ride. There was no wait. On the mine we saw the Paddlewheel Excursion, so we decided to ride that. The wait was 20 min. We then rode the Tilt-a-Whirl in the kiddie area. This is one of my favorite flat rides.

It was dark out now. that is when we planned on going on Gemini and Mean Streak. Gemini had a 30 min. wait. I liked the steel track on this. Then our last ride of the day Mean Streak. 30 min. wait. One of the best woodies I've ridden.

The second day we ariived at the same time. Again headed to Millennium Force. the line was shorter then last time. About 25 min. then we went to Mantis. 45 min. wait. This reminded me a lot of Chang at SFKK. We then rode the train again and went to Thuder Canyon. there was no line. we all got soaked. Since we were wet we headed to Snake River Falls. Again no wait. All soaked.

We then rode the Swan Boats. This took around 25 min. We then ate and headed to Gemini again. this time everybody rode it even my cousin. He really liked it. we then saw Splash 2002 to sit down. Then we rode Wicked Twister. 1 hour wait, I like V2 at SFGAm better. Then we rode the Giant Wheel. 15 min. wait and good view of the lake. THen we went on Disaster Transport. the line looked short but was actually 45 min. We then rode Space Spiral to see where to go. We then rode Raptor. 45 min. wait. I like this better than Batman at SFGAm. We took the Chair Lift to ride Corkscrew. 10 min wait.

We then rode Magnum XL 200. 30 min wait. This ride had great air time. WE then rode Power tower. The wait was 25 min. it was about time for the laser show so we headed that way. we had an hour so rode wildcat again. 10 min. wait. The laser show was great. then at the last minute me and my brother went on Millennium Force before it closed. we didnt get on untill 11:45. This ride was great at night.

Overall the park was clean. The only thing I didn't like was most rides had seat belts plus the lap bar or restraint. Overall this is a great park.

The seatbelts are a great thing, they don't do anything to your ride anyway, if no seatbelt, what happens when your restraint desides to unlock, going 60 MPH? Your seatbelt will catch it and give you a chance to re lock it.

Anyway great TR! CP for 2 days is the way to go!

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

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