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It doesn't help me in the Akron Area, I'd only save about 2 cents, which is not much, plus I'm not driving all the way across town for it, i suppose I would If its on the way to GL or CP, but even so, hardly seems worht it at this point!
Thanks Mr Peck. Good find!
Well, Jeepers Peltz!

I checked the site out and there's nothing listed anywhere in my county. I guess the coalcrackers haven't found this website yet. Of course, they're the ones who'll drive 30 miles to save 3 cents a gallon-- and I'm related to several of them.

Best bet for Knoebels visitors-- the Sheetz or Turkey Hill at the intersection of Routes 54 and 487. They usually stay pretty competitive with each other.

I don't find it one bit ironic that the same people in the "other" gas threads that said that they don't understand why people would cancel a trip because of gas prices...they are the same people here who don't hesitate to pay higher gas prices for convenience..and also pay for premium.

Lord Gonchar said:
Yes, as a lump sum $160 could do a few things. But spread out over the course of the year, it's $3 a week. Not going to change many lives.

Spread out over the course of a week, what's an extra minute or two per week.

One of the things that the extra $160 might make me able to do is afford a coaster trip that I may not have been able to afford before.

No further explanation needed. I'm hopelessly lost.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I have a family of 4. $160 isn't taking us anywhere. And besides, that's over the course of a year. So if from now until April/May next year you go out of your way to save a few cents a gallon on gas, then next year you might be able to hit one additional park.

And even then, you'd probably have to keep some kind of 'savings jar' to really keep the money. $3 a week would have a way of disappearing in things like a beer, a mountain dew, a happy meal, Pokemon cards for the kids, things like that.

Still don't see how it's worth it.

The minute or two a week is convenience, piece of mind.

I'm not hassling with additional stops, longer lines at cheap pumps, stupid little inconveniences over a few cents.

I have much better things to do than look for gas that's $2.17 vs the $2.20 I pay at the less crowded gas station on this side of the street, along the route, just a few moments from my house.

Thanks redman, I will go update :)

I am still on my own, so $160 may pay a couple of bills. I can see what you are saying, but for some of us it isn't a bad thing to consider, though I would never go out of my way for 3 cents, or even 10-15 cents, but once I did the math on the 40 cents difference it's almost like "why wouldn't I?" since to me stopping on my way to the frreway isn't that big of a deal. That's all, because I know that some things like 3 cents are too little to fuss over, but 40 cents, to me, with the rest of the situation included, is reasonable to save.

But $160 wouldn't pay for too many trips freakylick..

Jeff's avatar
I can't remember when $160 was a lot of money (college aside). God, my insane property tax alone comes out to $250 a month!

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

RamblinWreck said:
But $160 wouldn't pay for too many trips freakylick..

I didn't say that it would pay for the trip..I said it could make an otherwise unaffordable trip, affordable. In other words, let say a trip was going to cost $350, but I only had $200...That extra $160 would give me $360 and then I could go.

Of course $160 wouldn't take your family of 4 too far..You are way too frivolous. ;-)

But seriously, a minute or two a week equates to piece of mind?! I guess that's the difference between you and I. A minute or two a week equates to about 1.5 hours per year. That's over $106/hour. I get paid more by being frugal than I do at my job as would most Americans. And that 1.5 hours lost could equate to another park hit or 12 hours of fun. That's piece of mind to me. But to each their own. My only point is this: What may not be significant to you, may be very significant to someone else and vice versa.

Of course you could save that $160 via your hypothetical "savings jar" and then donate it to a worthy cause each year...I am sure they would appreciate your "inconvenience". ;-)

No further explanation needed. I'm hopelessly lost.
Vater's avatar
I swear Gonch and I were separated at birth. Which is odd considering our 2-month difference in age (not quite twins?). Every time I read one of his posts it's like seeing my thoughts put into words...except a lot more intelligible. :)

Even when I was in financial hell, which wasn't all that long ago, I wasn't stressing about gas prices. Sometimes I'd forego filling 'er all the way up to save a few bucks, but it really didn't matter in the long run (back then I'd need the spare cash for cigarettes... smart, eh? ;) ). Point is, even then it wasn't worth driving out of the way and losing 5 or 10 minutes just to save a few cents on gas. I miss my Jeep, though...even if it was just as bad on gas as my Explorer. Maybe my next car'll be an H2. I'm pretty sure it could run over any econobox out there. :)

-Vater (likes pushing buttons)

Lord Gonchar's avatar
And, I've played drums since I was 8 too, Vater. :)

Jeff said:
I can't remember when $160 was a lot of money...

I'll ever go as far as saying I can remember when $160 meant something to me. Hell, just 5 years ago, that was our car payment. How quaint, huh?

Even still, I (and in terms of my wife and I, 'we') have never been ones to worry about nickel and diming ourselves in life.

Money is for spending.

And I know it comes off as arrogant. It wasn't always this way for me. My family was low income when I was growing up, I'm no stranger to government help on several levels. When my wife and I first moved in together we could only afford to eat one meal a day, we didn't own a car until 3 years into our relationship.

Just a standard disclaimer to avoid the 'snobby money boy' label because I'm anything but. :)

EDIT - missed this the first time around:

freakylick said:
they are the same people here who don't hesitate to pay higher gas prices for convenience..and also pay for premium.

Well, I only go with premium because our car is only 6 months old and the manual syays to use at least 92 octane gas. Who am I to defy the good folks at Nissan? :)

*** Edited 4/19/2005 9:21:46 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Jeff's avatar
I totally know where you're coming from there. Food stamps for us when I was a kid after my parents' divorce, but my mom was too proud to let me get a free lunch at school (even though literally every other kid got one). I'm not as tight as I should be regarding credit cards, but a vacation is a vacation. If I have to spend nearly $200 a night to stay on-property at Universal to overlook the pool from a comfortable room and enjoy express access to all of the rides, dammit, I'm going to do it. If I have to spend an extra $20 a night to park my car at a downtown hotel, so be it. If the convertible car upgrade is an extra $20 a day, I'm there. And so on, and so forth... I can't take it with me.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Lord Gonchar's avatar
And that's why you live the J-Pizzie lifestyle. :)

But yeah, same philosophy.

It's all a matter of priorities. You decide what's important to you and the things you want and that's what you spend (or don't spend) your money on.

There are some items I'll splurge on and others I'll pass on. And some of the things I pass on, I can't get what others think is so great about them. But the items I splurge on, I still check around to see that I'm getting a good deal.

Regarding gas, I pass by-- or within a few blocks of at least 15 gas stations. I know which ones have the best prices and I go to them. I also know that on the opposite side of town from where I work there are 2 stations that have been battling for years, and the price is 10-15 cents below the lowest place I pass. But it makes no sense for me to drive those several miles to go there. It adds a few miles and 15-20 minutes to my commute, including waiting in bumper to bumper traffic, which I personally don't think is worth saving a few cents.

Again it's priorities. Some of my co-workers are crying that they can't fill up their gas tanks, then in the next breath are talking about the new video game, CD, or article of clothing they bought. Well? What do you expect?

Mamoosh's avatar
Isn't that why its called a vacation? Its a relief from your daily spoil treat youself to things you normally wouldn't.

Miriam-Webster says:

Main Entry: 1va·ca·tion
Pronunciation: vA-'kA-sh&n, v&-
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English vacacioun, from Middle French vacation, from Latin vacation-, vacatio freedom, exemption, from vacare
1 : a respite or a time of respite from something : INTERMISSION
2 a : a scheduled period during which activity (as of a court or school) is suspended b : a period of exemption from work granted to an employee for rest and relaxation
3 : a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation

Sure, there are things I do to save money on a vacation [Priceline a 4* hotel, look for discount admissions, etc] but time off is the time I spoil myself.

Wow, moosh does physics, and he's a walking dictionary for those who lack terms here on CB! I can't even do that! I did find though near me that gas out in Magadore, Ohio is cheaper then in Akron! a whole 20 cents cheaper!
Mamoosh's avatar
LOL DC2...I have Miriam-Webster bookmarked. It comes in quite handy.
Yea, it does, pretty soon, you'll start memorizing definitions you looked up more than once! :) I know I've memorized a few such as petroglypgh, anarchist, vacation (pointed out by lovely moosh), dilapidated, paraphenelia (not sure on spelling). Oh, they can come in handy on CB, that way nobody knows what your talking about!
Well, thank you, Miriam!
john peck's avatar
I've noticed it can be a certain price in my neighborhood and 30¢ more at the nearby-airport stations..... those poor tourists/businessfolk visiting Columbus....

(yes, I said "tourists")

rollergator's avatar
Gas stations near airports are notorious for that..."did you remember to fill the tank before returning the rental car?"...;)

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