So if you're not sure if the train will make it to the next peak, you don't have to complete the circuit and try it. This feature does it for you.
Something lost amidst the mess that this game is.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
The thing was... in the first demo, it was a little better... although the trains were not ghost trains & they wound up crashing afterwards... it was better because the trains after it crashed started after the lift hill, so you got an update faster than it is now where it has to climb the lift hill each time before it races the current track.
I'm not 110% POSITIVE that this is how it is now, but the ghost train in the 60min full version had to climb the lift before it tested the track while in progress, so Im sure they didn't fix that for the patch (why wait the extra 30 seconds while it climbs the lift when we already know it's going to clear the lift-hill!).
Certain victory.
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