So, basically, could someone give a crash course on how the game is played so next time I play I won't embaress myself? :D
But once you get into the music and learn how to read the arrows efficiently, you forget all that.
Go to the arcade when there's no one there, so you won't feel self-conscious, and play until you understand it. If you have some background in music (marching band, piano player), you'll probably do better. Good luck!
Tommy P.
Yeah... Steph wrote them mostly as a joke to ask about it, and that was the official reason they gave.
Michael Darling said:
What was D&B's lame excuse for nixing the DDR machines? Wasn't it that domestic replacement parts were impossible to come by?Lame.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
The main reason D&Bs have Pump is due to a deal they cut with Andamiro USA. D&Bs got them as a nice bulk package for all of their stores at a better rate than DDR (since you pretty much have to get foreign DDR machines now, or try to wrangle enough domestics to cover all stores).
This is also the reason Andamiro USA flinched when they released Pump Premier 3 to D&B, and then recalled all discs to remove the 'profane' songs. D&Bs has a lot of pull with Andamiro right now.
And yes, some D&Bs do have DDR, just not too many (and they're mostly crappy 3rd, or worse: USA mixes - I believe some Texas locations have DDR, and some in Florida as mentioned above).
I really don't mind. I play most all dancing games equally (even our faulty EZ2Dancer in Dayton)and they're all about the same to me anymore. I just have another week before my PREX 3 home version arrives. :)
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