Filming Superman @ SFMM 8-14

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This is my first trip report, so bare with me.

My Mom and I got to the park at 8:00. I heard enthusiasts talk about coasters and stuff. Ric Turner said X might open on the 24th. They should know by the end of the week.

At about 9:00 we boarded Superman, I sat in the third row, on the left end. You should be able to see me. We rode for about seven times without getting up. (That's the way to ride it!) Paul Ruben was sitting in the front giving commentary. I swore I saw all those people before. (Ha, I saw them on TV before, that's why). I think the show is supposed to be about the history of Roller Coasters.

After we where done and the park was opening. We went over to Ninja, but it was closed. :( We then went down the hill wondering what was opened. A worker asked us if we were lost or looked for something that was opened. She told us Goldrusher was opened, so we did that. We were THE first people on it that day. That ride is slow when there's only two people on it!

After Goldrusher, I decided to ride Goliath. I sat in the very back and on the second drop I decided to close my eyes. Dude! The mid-course brakes toke me by surprise. (Ouch!) During that helix, I could not sit up at all. I love that ride! I'm not sure if I would close my eyes on that again.

After Goliath we went on Colossus. That was probably the bumpiest I ever felt it! The bumpiest part is the brake run.

After that I went home.

*** This post was edited by Coaster File on 8/14/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Coaster File on 8/14/2001. ***
When is this suppose to air?

Pictures of ALL 15 XTREME coasters now up a

nevermind that, what is this supposed to mean?
They did not say.

Willthethrill said:
"nevermind that, what is this supposed to mean?

What is what supposed to mean?
this whole post. its kinda pointless
The point is I had fun! *** This post was edited by Coaster File on 8/14/2001. ***
Another point is: The shoot was a new expeirence!
Willthethrill, the point of the post is to tell us all what his trip was like! This is the TR forum, and he posted a TR, that was the point.

I'm stupid, who is Paul Ruben? I am thinking he is the guy who was on Mad About You, but I'm not sure.

Hey, SFGAm managment, can I buy a couple cages of Sky Whirl?
The editor of Park World magizine. He's on a lot of coaster shows. He has been on every coaster.
Paul Ruben has everybody's dream job. He is PAYED to go and ride all the new coasters. And while I wouldn't quite say he's been on every coaster, he's probably been on more than anybody else alive.

Joshua Wilcox
The following statement is true.
The preceding statement is false.
How did you get into the park early?

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)
*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 8/15/2001. ***
I was invited, the filming was before the park opened. *** This post was edited by Coaster File on 8/15/2001. ***
so is X is really going to open th 24th? that would be tight , i am going on the 31th
How were you able to be invited?

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)
One of the perks of being an ACE member is you get to be in Coaster Shows.
ROFL... I was QUITE wrong on who I thought he was. LOL. I told you I was stupid!

Hey, SFGAm managment, can I buy a couple cages of Sky Whirl?

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