Fiesta Texas 2006?

does somebody know if the new waterpark expansion is going to be finish by this summer? and is some rollercoaster from astroworld going to fiesta?

R.I.P Astroworld
Mamoosh's avatar
I'm sure somebody knows, yes ;)

mOOSH [sorry...jus' being a smartazz]

no **** i didn't know that

R.I.P Astroworld
Mamoosh's avatar smiley in your reply and an expletive removed. Looks like you were being rude even tho I was just trying to be funny.

So now I'm not gonna tell you what I know! ;)

*** Edited 1/11/2006 3:55:14 AM UTC by Mamoosh***

I think you can rule out any chance of getting one of Astroworld's roller coasters. They've moved the SLC all the way to New York--just to store it. Right...Hopefully, we'll find out if there's any validity to the Batman the Escape relocate to Darien Lake, or is it just another Six Flags park in New York storing a coaster? Either way, be glad you didn't get either of the coasters and enjoy the waterpark expansion (whenever that's supposed to happen).

Listen, I am pulling strongly for your park to get something new. SFOT may have had the better coasters, but I thought Fiesta Texas had a lot more going for it in terms of scenery and flat-rides. And the patriotic laser show that gets projected on the canyon wall at the end of the night was killer too.

rollergator's avatar
The one coaster they SHOULD have gotten from AW was TX Cyclone, such a perfect addition to their lineup at SFFT, esp. with Rattler being so....tamed...

A nice compact footprint, which is *kinda important* to SFFT, a second wooden coaster, completely different layout (what ISN'T compared to Rattler?), it was already nearby, and features the nice *aggressive* ride that seems to be favored in Texas... ;)

Of course, the Antons are both *smallish* and could easily be fit into the quarry as well...and with the reserves not being met... ya never know.

They are getting "NADT" again ;)
i don't get it why in the hell don't sux flags move a rollercoaster to fiesta? fiesta is the park right next to astroworld i think it should get one ride from astroworld. like TXcyclone or GL

R.I.P Astroworld
Since when is Great Escape storing Serial Thriller?
RCDB says its under construction for 2007

Which makes sense because the ride is still partly standing.

Also, Skuller. I have a problem with you calling them Sux Flags. You have to realise that without them you might find yourself bored. I do realise tho, that Six Flags has not added a new ride to SFFT since 2000. But ussualy that has to do with the park proformance. If you want something new, then give a good promotion of the park.

I think Six Flags MAY be understading that "Build it, they will come" theory isn't so true. I am perfectly intent with SFFT right now. If they add a coaster in a year or two, GREAT! If not, I'll live. And you can too. Be happy you even had a company like Six Flags buy the park and turn it into the great park it is today.

rollergator's avatar
IIIRC, a few days ago there was a news article from the Lake George area that stated plainly that the rides are beng STORED...

Of course, might be a way to give them a year to get the locals to buy in to the idea, let the backlash simmer until it fades, then go ahead and install in '07.

You mean people might use the media to spread what COULD be deemed misinformation? ;)

Not in THIS country! :)

Well first the PR director said that no Serial Thriller parts existed on the property, even though they did. Then it was stated that they were merely storing the parts. So RCDB now says 2007 for an install. And what press release stated this? Before he said it would happen in 2006.

Keith2005 said:

Also, Skuller. I have a problem with you calling them Sux Flags. You have to realise that without them you might find yourself bored. I do realise tho, that Six Flags has not added a new ride to SFFT since 2000. But ussualy that has to do with the park proformance. If you want something new, then give a good promotion of the park.



R.I.P Astroworld
That's mature...

The bigger they are, the harder they brake
Olsor's avatar
Fiesta Texas actually had a 3% increase in attendance this year. SeaWorld did even better - 17%. So maybe SeaWorld should be the one adding a new ride...

More rides does not equal a better park [insert SFMM joke here].
"More rides does not equal a better park [insert SFMM joke here]" - Olsor

Exaclty right! SFMM is a perfect example.

Skuller.... grow up.

Keith2005 said:

Skuller.... grow up.

Keith2005 f**k you

R.I.P Astroworld
Calm Down..... anyway if they were to get a coaster I think that an 4-D would make that park perfect.(but I don't see it happening)

But I can always dream!

A coaster that I do see coming is a invert or a flyer but not a clone.

Damn skuller. Calm down. No need to get testy. *** Edited 1/14/2006 4:37:30 AM UTC by Keith2005***

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