Fed up with the DEJA VU buzz?

I don't know about you guys, but it seems the only thing people are talking about is Deja Vu. Lets just drop the whole thing, and when worthy news comes out that lets discuss it. But until then lets forget about the Super Invertigos for a while.
I honestly don't care about the whole ride. I have a feeling that it will hurt... a lot... really really hurt a lot. the one thing that I want to know about it is if it will have the face off cars. I know its supposed to be four across seating and that 6 flags was waiting for "V" shaped cars, but what the heck is a "V" shaped car? is that the technical term for the face off cars?

it's a mexican pirate!~Track 15 Blink 182 Take Off Your Pants and Jacket
It won't have face off cars, and from everyone i have talked to, it looks as though they ride smooth as butter.

The day that I spend more time analyzing the rides than screaming my head off like a moron is the day that I hope someone will kick my in the love sausage and tell me not to be a moron. - Jeff
The "V-shaped" trains are also known as the staggered ones... Kind of hard to explain, anyone have a close up pic of the train?

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Remember, this ride is in three different high traffic parks, so it's kind of hard not to speculate about the ride. But SF wasn't completely stupid, they were smart enough to buy these shuttles as part of two ride packages. They must have realized that these rides may have some early problems. With X, Acraphobia and V2 as the second part of the ride packages, that should be enough to keep our minds off Deja Vu all year.

The trolls shall remain under the bridge, hidden, and without food to grow.

The trains kinda go like this (hope you guys can understand!)---there are four seats on each car. The middle two are right next to each other, while the outside seats are behind and out to either side of the two middle seats, but on the same car. I saw a picture of this somewhere, but I can't remember the link...DANGIT!
Life is like a coaster---You go up, down, turn-around, and upside-down...and then there's all that pressure on your head, too...
Here we are talking about them all over again. It is like Deja Vu.
Shoot, I don't know about you, but when you're walking through the park and you notice a big radioactive green and blue structure visible from anywhere in the park with a completed queue, you can't help but get edgy.
we had the same problem at sfa waiting for batwing to open.with rumor after rumor about an opening date and two delayed opening dates that came and wentbut now its finally open.so I share your frustration with the delays.I'm sure glad that sfa didn't get one of those deja-vu coasters otherwise we'd still be waiting. by the way I hope to have my first ride on batwing this saturday (if it doesn't rain that is)

DWeaver said:
"With X, Acraphobia and V2 as the second part of the ride packages, that should be enough to keep our minds off Deja Vu all year."

And unfortunatly, that isn't the case on these boards. Lets all pretend that they (Deja Vus) don't exist yet, but the track is laying unasembled in the parking lot yet for next season. That way you know it won't be open this season, and you'll have a new ride for next year.

Cyclops. 1900 feet of CCI goodness.
Jeff's avatar
As a matter of policy, we've been deleting any thread that starts out, "Do you know when Deja Vu at [your park here] open?" They appear almost daily. Trust me, when we know something for certain, someone will post something.

Funny thing about them, the Vekoma engineers at SFWoA during the X-Flight media day or TV shoot (don't remember which) were allegedly absolutely slamming the ride saying it will be a maintenance nightmare (ironic given the less than stellar performance of the Dutchman that they were working on). They apparently said the catch mechanism for bringing the train up the second tower was hopelessly flawed. Makes you wonder what they were thinking, because I find the second lift on the Invertigos very cool and smooth, though I can't comment on the reliability.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Isn't the existence of this thread (complaining about the buzz) ADDING to the buzz?

Somebody, please put this thread out of its misery!

Jeff said:
" I find the second lift on the Invertigos very cool and smooth,
Yeah, isn't it the same only steeper??!

Well, in theory there is nothing wrong with placing a successful coaster in another park where you think you will get the same success. But why place an unproven design in 3 parks? You've basically tripled your headache. Talk about Deja Vu.

There is no such thing as inner peace. There is only nervousness and death.

Jeff said:
"They apparently said the catch mechanism for bringing the train up the second tower was hopelessly flawed."

that's been bugging me for a while. I don't know about invertigo's, but boomerangs just use a chain lift for the second tower. this leaves a lot of room for the train to slow to a stop. different factors could make one train stop at the very bottom of the lift and another stop at the mid-way point of hte chain. but with another cable lift the catch would have to be right where the train will slow to a stop. if they leave the pully car at the bottom of the car the train will just push it up the hill and the cable would fall onto the riders' faces. the only way to solve that problem would be to have the lift operate a high speeds until the train would slow down enough, but that's improbable. Vekoma may have had a good idea, but I'm left somehow doubting that they can follow through.

it's a mexican pirate!~Track 15 Blink 182 Take Off Your Pants and Jacket
Very funny, Doug Rowe!

Personally I agree with goonsta. Very hard to ignore it!
Scale model coasters and rides.....
janfrederick's avatar
Kinda like the folks who post topics like "What's the most closed topic?".

Yeeee Haaawwww!
I just hope the one at SFGAm opens before July 13th because im going to Gurnee in one week for the only time so I hope it's open by then.

"Pootie Tang!"
Oh dear. When will people start reading these ridiculous topics! There is a reason that the "When will Deja Vu at Park X open?" are all closed. The only one that's even close to opening is Georgia's, and even that seems a ways off. Great America doesn't even have their train on the track yet. And even if they did, a week of testing simply isn't enough! I'm hoping for an opening day 2002 opening of this abomination of engineering mishaps. *** This post was edited by V² Fiend on 7/5/2001. ***

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