Fear Fest Dry Run Night.

Associated parks:

I was invited to attend dry run at PKIs fear fest. I was bummed no rides were open but the effect kicked butt

Carnival of horrors in 3d
They changed up some stuff. It was alot of fun and disorenting with the 3d glasses

House of darkness AKA storage room of darkness
Fun lots of effects. Some stuff from Phantom theater appeared to be there. I was doing my best mistro voice. going SO you want to see the theater. I was scaring people. lots of good effects. the total darkness sucked big time.

Physo Trail
This was fun cause its the back stage. There was lots of stuff very cool.

I missed the last 2 because my friend was scared out of her wits. I had some of the actors chasing her and stuff. PKI did a really good job. For a dry run it was fun. Ill come back later when the rides are open for some all night ride fests.

Be nice to ride op's. No matter how slow unfriendly and uncaring they may seem Most work hard to make your day great.

Sounds great! I'm looking forward to PKI's fearfest this year probably more than any other Ohio Park. Thanks for the update!

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