FDOT regulating Walt Disney World monorail has yet to issue any documentation on it after six months

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

The Florida Department of Transportation has begun the process of regulating Walt Disney World’s monorail, eight months after Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill giving the state authority to inspect and oversee the privately-owned transportation system. The agency has not yet produced any requested records, but an FDOT spokesperson told WKMG/Orlando by email that work is now underway to implement the new law.

Read more from WKMG/Orlando.

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robotfactory's avatar

[Original Story Archive Link]

Greetings from the rollback!

FDOT finally released its first inspection report in December of 2024, nearly a year after this "we still haven't seen a report" article was posted and a year and a half since DeSantis signed the law bringing the WDW Monorail system into FDOT's scope. It seems there was nothing of newsworthy significance.

Updates from WDW News Today: https://wdwnt.com/2024/12/r...-monorail/ [Archive Link]

- Julie

It's almost as if Disney maintains things like it's in their best interest to do so.

Jeff's avatar

Yeah, weird, a theme park that thinks poor safety would be bad for business. Nothing more ironic than self-described "small government" Republicans wanting more government oversight.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog


Yeah, weird, a theme park that thinks poor safety would be bad for business. Nothing more ironic than self-described "small government" Republicans wanting more government oversight.

But the new signs on our state borders say we’re free!

What they should say, if truthful: "We're free from liberal overreach."

Every day I deal with issues that should be addressed locally but have been preempted by the state.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

TheMillenniumRider's avatar


But the new signs on our state borders say we’re free!

I guess, maybe more freee than N Korea, but certainly not free in any strech of the imagination.

Jeff's avatar

Not so free if you need healthcare as a woman, a librarian, enjoy drag or want to be unencumbered to vote.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Is Skyliner being regulated too given it’s a transportation system?

robotfactory's avatar

I can't travel to Florida because of the risk of being arrested for the crime of being trans when children are present. Sounds super free to me.

- Julie

Jeff's avatar

Apparently you can't watch porn here either. It looks like PornHub is going to war with Florida over invasive ID requirements.

I fully expect them to ban dancing soon. Help us, Kevin Bacon.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

LostKause's avatar

Some incoming government people want this and more to become the usual for the entire country. Instead of porn, they pleasure themselves while watching most repulsive scenes in The Handmaid's Tale. They will do some damage, but I don't think the majority of Americans will allow it.

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

You give way too much credit to Americans. If we were like the French I would have zero concern. But the people in this country when asked to bend over will ask how far.

Last edited by TheMillenniumRider,
Jeff's avatar

Americans allowed a fascist and felon who fomented an insurrection be president again, knowing what to expect. Americans can't have nice things. And his buddies are trying to tie conditions already to disaster relief for California. Awesome.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

LostKause's avatar

I totally understand that. My motto over the last ten or so years is "We are doomed." I view Trump as The Antichrist, or the predecessor to the Antichrist. And I'm agnostic.

I'm holding on to a tiny thread of hope, I guess.

ApolloAndy's avatar

No, don't you remember? He's chosen by God, not despite, but because of his immorality and indiscretions...or something...

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

To the pure, all things are pure. You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

Gunkey Monkey:

Is Skyliner being regulated too given it’s a transportation system?

Good point. That seems far more risky than the monorail. 🤣

hambone's avatar

To say nothing of the WDW Railroad.

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