Favorite Coaster Color Combo

I was just wondering, What everyone's favorite color combination was on a coaster?
For me it would definetly have to be Talon, man that thing is a beauty.
Also, How much does the coasters color affect your experience on the coaster?
On a side note, does anyone else notice that Nitro's colors are extremely similar to Talon's?
I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters *** This post was edited by FloridaCoasterRider on 2/9/2001. ***
Yup, Talon is really pretty, but I have to say I like Mantis. The bright colors really work well together

Webmaster: Theme Park New England
Talon and Mantis are definately beautiful. I also like Drachen Fire's colors, I'd like to see it used on a running coaster.

Joe Cernelli
Head Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Phantom's Revenge in 2001!
beast7369's avatar
The orange and purple on Raging Bull. Or the black and yellow on Batman Knight Flight.
I like Riddler's Revenge, Kumba, and any natural wooden coaster.



beast7369 said:
"The orange and purple on Raging Bull. Or the black and yellow on Batman Knight Flight."

I think that you are speaking of Apollo's Chariot, I don't think that there is purple in Raging Bull.

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
i love the Raptor and Face off colors. they work really good with the coaster
I absoulutly love the combo of Purple and Gold as in Apollo's Chariot and Georgia Scorcher. I also love anything green(Riddler's Revenge, Hulk as well as others), those are few and far between.
Yes, Talon is a beaut! I was always partial to the colors of Mantis.

Pittsburgh, PA
Natural Looking Wood.

Talon sure does look pretty though, as do all of the Supermans.

I can't wait to stand in line...
Medusa, Raptor, Batman: The Ride, and Talon.

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!"

~From the brilliant mind of Homer J. Simpson.
Mantis's color scheme was awesome, especially when the paint was new and not faded. But in a year or two, it will look good as new.

FloridaCoasterRider said:

beast7369 said:
"The orange and purple on Raging Bull. Or the black and yellow on Batman Knight Flight."

I think that you are speaking of Apollo's Chariot, I don't think that there is purple in Raging Bull."

The supports are said to be a 'wine' color. Purple is a good enough description for me. Anyway, I really like the red white and blue of Colossus and American Eagle. I think they should return to painting woodies white. It makes a more dramatic visual impact than the bland wood color (unless of course it's a terrain coaster like Beast or Boulder Dash).
--sue me, I'm patriotic. I was a bi-centennial baby for cryin' out loud!
Soggy's avatar
I have always thought maroon or a deep blood red track with black supports would look awesome. I think a B&M Floorless named Crimson Tide would work well with this color scheme. I don't think any current coasters (B&M or others) have this scheme. If there is one, let me know.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

Intamin2K said:
"Medusa, Raptor, Batman: The Ride, and Talon.

What B:TR color combo would we we talking about here? black/black, yellow/black, or grey/black

Personaly, I think that X will have an awesome color combo. Yea, they have been used before, but the way they are being used on this baby is beautiful. The 4 rails sure adds to it all as well.

-I see stars because I just rode Flashback, can you see them to? *** This post was edited by Metrock on 2/9/2001. ***
I like Kraken and Montu but Im into more muted colors anyway.

Raging Bull, Apollos Chariot, Nitro ...
Do you know where your Children are?

Pure white of AE or the Wild One and the green and purple of JJ.
Peace, Love, and Rollercoasters.........we need more of all three.
mine has got to be medusa. that neon track just slithers under your feet and the trains have great patterns of yellow and purple. talon is really nice too, but nitro is kinda girly. whhy put hot pink on a space themed coaster??
The Blue and Yellow of Kraken is also really cool:)
So far all of the floorless coasters seem to have awesome paint jobs. *** This post was edited by FloridaCoasterRider on 2/10/2001. ***
I like Talon's colors, but I think I like Goliath's orange and teal.

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