I ask this not because IF this can be done. I know it can... I ask this if it would logically work during simulation mode.
I noticed the more supports that are added, the lower the frame rate drops in certain areas. If I were to take a coaster-type, and just go nuts with supports so it creates the feel & look of a wooden coaster, would it actually run at a decent frame rate, or would it drop to around 10fps??(given, a Geforce3 & 1.4athlon).
I want to know this so I don't spend 20 hours creating supports and finding out that the coaster won't even run smoothly when in the simulator mode.
Webmaster: Gravibulb Coasters - Home of Professional Quality Coaster Photos
Besides, ya can only make so many steelies before you say "Man, I need something 'different'..."
...Wondering what the 2002 season holds for all parks...
I understand this may have been a little faster than most.
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