I spoke with some of the guys at the Great NY State Fair, and they confirmed that James E Strates shows is in fact looking for a buyer for the Top Spin. This saddens me greatly, as this is one of the last great super-spectacular rides left traveling in the northeast US.
On a side note, it seems that Strates Shows may be on the verge of financial trouble, or just the cost of transportation is hurting them, as they are carrying less and less of the classic rides like the Rainbow, Ranger, Pirate, Flume, Roller Coaster, and Sky Wheel; the rides that set them apart from other carnivals. This year on the state fair midway there were two Scooters, two Cliff Hangers, two Scramblers, and aside from the Top Spin, Wave Swinger, Enterprize, and Kroon Giant Wheel, there were no other super spectaculars.
Rainbow & Ranger are both heavy, high maintenace rides, the Top Spin (from what I hear) is not road legal, so it has to travel by train. The Sky Wheel uses 2 trailers, so it costs a lot to move and it has low capacity.
Our State Fair has lost the Sky Wheel (for it was sold) plus, Amusements of America have been selling ride after ride the past few years. However, this isn't really a bad thing considering the Fair has been booking in lots of other treats lately.
A of A has some great peices. They have a Fireball and Spin Out as well as a Wave Swinger and a bunch of other cool things
We had a Flume two years ago, but a few kids got banged up on it, so I don't expect them booking it anymore.
Strates also has several other rides for sale includen its Giant Wheel and a few others from what i've been recently told.
as for the finacial end of things, they are on solid ground. I can tell you that the Pirate and the Rainbow have had some mechanical issues and Huss has been overseas to try and fix them but they have yet to figure out what exactly is the problem with the two.
Before anyone says that SFGAm's version isn't portable, compare pictures of it to the one in the link. The only difference in the Great America version is the bracing that keeps it several feet off the ground and keeps it from swaying like the Strates version.
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