Fake hippos safe from faux gunfire on Disneyland's Jungle Cruise

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

The hippos in Disneyland's Jungle Cruise will no longer be shot at. The park says that it's one of the many changes made over the years to address sensitivity issues.

Read more from The LA Times.

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Ok, now parents will say the hippos are "scary" and the one popping it's head out of the water should be removed.  To answer the person who said "maybe they will deny slavery ever happened to be PC", if they could, they would.   I think parents should worry more about teaching kids right from wrong themselves than going all over trying to sanitize everything.  Ever notice that if someone's kid cut you in a line and you say something to the kid, the parent will pop up from nowhere and tell you off.  Excuse me, did you ever think of teaching manners?  Sorry, I get worked up when it comes to people and the whole "PC" thing.
Can someone tell me what OMFG stands for? Oh, nevermind. I got it. :)
I can't believe that just because there is a lack of good parenting and common sense in the world today, Disney feels they have to once again modify one of their attractions.  When I was a kid and experienced the Jungle Cruise for the first time, never did I think that Disney was promoting shooting animals or that hippos were deserving of being shot at.  I am not in favor of hunting (at all) but never did this strike me as pro-hunting.  I guess I am a rarity for having parents that explained to me the difference between reality and make-believe.

As for the whole Pirates issue, tell me that men don't still chase women today... and not just for their food.  Give me a break! 

I worked the Jungle Cruise at WDW and nobody ever complained to me about the guns.  It was obvious to all that we were "scaring" the hippos and we even verbalized it just to get the point across.

This PC nonsense is a load of crap.  I can no longer call an Easter Egg Hunt and "Easter Egg Hunt".  It is just a hunt.  We can't have a Christmas Party, it is a Holiday Party.

The former President of the United States can have an affair with an intern and his approval ratings go up!  Maybe behind all of the old Presidents at the Hall of Presidents we can put an audio animatronic of his slave or mistress(es)! *** This post was edited by wahoo skipper on 9/4/2001. ***

What a sad state of affairs.  Has Pressler not done enough damage at DL?  Apparently not for the PC zealots.  This has nothing to do with endangered species or sensitive ears.  (I guess there are no other loud/startling noises in the entire park to worry about?)

This is plain and simply PC revisionism brought about by political pressure of the kind that a company the size of Disney cannot ignore these days.  And it breaks my heart.

But why should I be upset?  After all, if we pretend that guns don't exist, then they can't hurt anyone....Right???

SHOOT ME INSTEAD! Some people don't understand the idea of "Adventureland". It just mimicks the real world, only with fiberglass and sensors. This world is beyond help.
Geeze, don't people realize that it's just a ride? Give me a break!
Got a problem with RWB? you've got a problem with me! Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
Sometimes I just hate the world!


"Sometimes I just hate the world.

I know the feeling.:)

Do you think that Disney having the Safari ride at Animal Kingdom has something to do with this?  Lets think people, Disney preaches conservation and living in harmony with wild animals at the Animal Kingdom, so why would they shoot a fake hippo in the Magic Kingdom, they're just trying to be consistant.
The world of Disney is no longer about being the happiest. It's about shooting and hurting and killing harmless animals. These people make me sick, and so does that ride for even thinking of doing such a thing as that.
Come on people, now can any of you tell me how in the world shooting at a fiberglass hippio promotes hurting and killing animals? I mean the hippio attacks the boat. It's not like your just on the ride and the boat guide starts yells "HIPPIO!" A hippio looks up and is caught with a barage of bullets and blood starts spewwing everywhere. Then the guide says "yippie-kay-ya-a-mother******". They don't hand out, "I love aniamls, They taste great" bumper stickers at the end of the ride.
The guide shot the stupid gun in the air to scare the hippo.  He didn't shoot at it. 
Just another example of political correctness/liberalism rum amok in our society. If nitroexplodes or any other liberal believes this will cut down school violence/gang shootings they need their head examined. But i bet rep. markey is all in favor of this decision.
And here all this time I thought PETA stood for "People Eating Tasty Animals"
Jeff's avatar
I find it hilarious that people think there are organized movements of "liberalism" or "conservatism." While not exciting, life is about "middlism" in that there are rarely absolutes at either end of the spectrum. Hell, look at the last presidential election. Would it have mattered which idiot got elected? I don't think so.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

Jeff, I find that last comment particularly funny in view of the fact that the idiot that received the most votes went home, and the other idiot sits in the White House, er, um, the "Western White House".  Oh well, I guess I take quite a bit of vacation time myself so I shouldn't complain about that ( of course, it's not like I'm the PRESIDENT or anything...) LOL.  Have a great evening!
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you
Jeff,  the religious right is not an organised "conservative" movement?  Organzations like PETA and Greenpeace are not considered "liberal"?  I think members of the GOP and DNC would disagree.
Jeff's avatar
Perhaps I should have been more clear. I was referring to politics. I agree that there are some wacked-out organizations out there, and they in particular are incapable of seeing the more logical middle ground.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

Somewhat on topic....

The safari at Animal Kingdom originally ended with an elephant being shot and killed by the poachers.  Then, your vehicle hunted down the killers and the "jungle police" caught them.  This was seen during the cast preview of the park.

People were so shocked by seeing the "dead" elephant that Disney had to change the ending before the official opening!

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