I can tell you that it (the skyscraper) is an incredibly awesome ride, and I don't see why the Turbo Force would be any different. Definitely worth at least one ride.
Other than that, the ride is intense, but fun and even rerideable at the same time. Be prepared for alternating G's that want to push you back in your seat at times and hang you upside down out of your seat into the shoulder bar at times, and a bit of lateral G's as the ride spins around on three different axes. The interesting trick about the Spinout is the rotating platform, which makes the spinning upside down of the claw assembly additive with the motion of the spinning platform for a considerably fast upside down spin.
Just be aware that some Spinouts may have just a bit of free motion in the (hydraulic) shoulder bar for rider comfort, but that's a whole lot different from a scenario where the bar may actually be loose. This surprised me the first time I encountered it, because the Afterburners and Experience rides I've ridden have had the bar almost rock-solid rigid when pushed on... so don't let it scare you if there is a small amount of free motion.
*** Edited 9/16/2005 3:30:09 AM UTC by RideSafety***
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