Fabbri Mega Drop

I recently went to the California state fair. I was amazed at the site of the Mega Drop. It's a Fabbri transportable drop ride. It looks like to be around 80-100 feet, but I could be wrong. Here is a pic


This ride is the best flat ever. I want to know who has ridden it and what it compares to other drop rides.

http://sixflagsthrills.tripod.com/sixflagsthrills visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?

*** This post was edited by coastermaster on 9/3/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar

I got to ride on at IAAPA in 2000. Hands down the next best thing to an Intamin Giant or Gyro Drop. If I remember correctly, there are pistons at the top that are pulled compressed when the carriage gets to the top, so when you're released, it gives gravity a little help. Major air on that ride.

And it was kind of cool seeing the nose-bleed seats in the Georgia Dome at eye level. Still glad they're in Orlando again...

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

This was the best drop ride I've ridden outside of Twilight Zone Tower of Terror! It is much better than Power Tower at VF! I rode it at the MN State Fair.


My friend Brandon and I rode it twice at the CA State Fair as well, and we both thought it was amazing. I personally prefer Intamin drop rides, but for a fair, this was refreshing. They held us at the top for like a minute the first time, and then like 25 seconds the second time. I was pretty scared to say the least...
"There's no such thing as a mistake. There's what you do, and what you don't do."
I love how it comes to such a sudden stop. It does have great forcefull airtime, followed by great posotive g's at the bottom, due to quick braking.

Just so you all know, the traveling company with Mega Drop is RCS (Ray Cammack Shows)

http://sixflagsthrills.tripod.com/sixflagsthrills visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?

And carnival owners are obviously taking a liking to this ride because I saw 2 of these at 2 festivals in the Chicago area within the last few weeks.

This thing is freakin tall next to all the other attractions.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

A different picture on a couple of clicks back from your link says it's 115 ft.

It's great that fairs and carnivals are getting better rides. Now if only the parks would get better flats !

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thorpe park in england has one of those rides, they are excellent, the best one click ride experience you will ever have. ive managed about 20 or so rides this season alone and it still gets me every time!

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