EuroOd 1.3.3 -- South Pier (July 15)

Associated parks:

After our first evening at Blackpool, we decided to stroll across the street to the nearby South pier for a few rides. While this wasn't an official stop on the tour, it was a no-brainer due to the proximity to the park and the "hotel" we were staying at.

Tickets were 1 pound each, or 20 for 15 pounds. I opted for the 20/15 deal, which as it turned out wasn't necessary as I didn't use all of them, but now I have souvineers. Most rides were 2 tickets, although some of them allowed you to stay on for 1 ticket.

Crazy Mouse (3 rides) -- Another Reverchon spinning mouse. This one had the unique setting of being on a pier out over the sand (at low tide; at high tide it would literally be over water). The operators knew about the "pull the pin" trick (see note below), but informed us that it was "too windy" to do it. We found out later that "too windy" actually equated to "slip us a tip", at least for one rider who was able to get them to do it. Oh well, maybe next time, now that I'm aware of it.

Waltzer (3 rides) -- If the Waltzer at Pleasureland had made me think these were crazy rides, this one confirmed it. The Waltzer on the South pier is the single most intense ride I've ever encountered, thanks to an operator who came over, realized I was part of the tour, and said "This is better than any roller coaster, watch..." and proceeded to work on me over and over. Wow. When the first ride ended and the operator in the booth announced we could stay on for another ride for just 1 ticket, I couldn't resist. However, after the 3rd ride, I finally decided I'd had enough, and staggered my way off. Amazing.

Vortex (1 ride) -- The last ride of the night, a Breakdance (another spinning flatride). We got one cycle on this before the pier closed out, leaving me with a few tickets.

Overall, the third day of the European trip was probably the most insane of the bunch. Between Pleasureland in the morning, Blackpool in the evening until they closed, and then the Pier after Blackpool, we rode an amazing number and variety of rides, some of which you'll just NEVER see here in the States.

"Pull the pin" -- it is apparently sometimes possible for the operators in the station to trigger the release for the spinning on the Reverchon mice before dispatching the train. The result is your car will spin the entire time, from lift to final brake. I'd never heard of this before. The operators at Lightwater said they weren't allowed to, the guys on the South Pier said it was too windy. Somehow I doubt Kennywood would do it :)

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
My page

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 7/23/2002. ***

Nice TR! I really want to go on a Spinning Mouse.


Good TR.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

Oh, we sure a heck do it at Kennywood. Just not while the GP ride.

Coasterman Mike

Kennywood, Celebrating 75 Years of Racing Sperm ;)

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