EuroOd 1.2.2 -- Lightwater Valley (July 14)

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Day 2, park 2, more rushing around. Lightwater Valley is a very pretty park. We had a few hours to hit 5 coasters, so once again we ended up not doing any of the flatrides.

Bat Flyer (1 lap) -- Only a few ACE people managed to get on this before the park closed. This is a small single-rail suspended coaster, the same type of ride as the Ghoster Coaster at PKI. However, the park only has one car on the course, and for the most part would only allow one adult on at a time -- if there were another ACE member at my weight or less (~130 lbs) in line, we could have paired off, but there wasn't. Another difference was that you got in the ride AFTER the car had been lifted up the elevator, requiring a climb up some rather lengthy stairs. Once on, you were treated to a swinging ride through the woods, which I found more fun than PKI's version.

Ladybird (1 lap) -- a fairly standard steel junior/family coaster.

Twister (1 lap) -- a Reverchon spinning mouse. The only other spinning mouse I'd ridden to this point was Kennywood's enclosed Exterminator, so this was the first time I rode one where I could see all the spinning going on.

The Ultimate (2 laps) -- Until Steel Dragon opened, this was the longest roller coaster in the world in terms of track length, and at over 5 minutes is still the longest in terms of duration. Most of the time, though, the ride just runs along the ground, following the somewhat hilly terrain. The park had the annoying policy that no glasses could be worn on the ride, even with straps. In terms of forces, this ride really didn't do much, so the policy made little sense. The first part of the ride consisted of a drop and a series of bunny hills (over which the ridiculously long train lost a LOT of speed). Another lift into an elevated turn (where, surprisingly, there were several items of women's underwear hanging from and wrapped around poles, showing just how slow the train is going at this point) led to the return. The return was a wild, twisting runaway train ride along the ground through the woods, which was more exciting but also more painful.

Sewer Rat (1 lap) -- Our last ride, which we got on just at the end of the ERT. This is an indoor wildcat type ride with some very good theming. The entrance and queue are themed to look like a sewer, and are quite effective. The ride itself is fun, of course.

2 days, 3 parks, 13 coasters... The tour was just getting started.

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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Sounds Fun. Ultimate doesn't sound that good.


Good TR. I've always wanted to try a Reverchon spinning mouse.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

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