EuroDisney sales up 16%

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Euro Disney SCA, Europe's largest theme-park company, said sales rose 16 percent in the fiscal first quarter as its new movie-studio-based amusement center attracted more visitors. Sales climbed to 262 million euros ($281 million) in the three months ended Dec. 31, from 226 million euros a year earlier.

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Oh, the jokes that used to be told about EuroDisney. Who's laughing now?

No not laughing but running away from Studios ;)

It'll be more intresting to see if the costumers will come back next year.

Did they change their name back to EuroDisney now that The Studios opened out there?

- John
Dag, yo
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It's called Disneyland Paris, and Walt Disney Studios Paris, and I sincerley doubt that people will want to return to the studios, they are dreadful.

On the other hand, Disneyland Paris is a beautiful park, and my favorite Disney park.

The Studios may have got more people to visit the resort, but when I went there, everyone was in Disneyland.

Coaster Grotto - Save your Top 20 Coasters and Track Record Online!

Whats so bad about the Stuidos?

i went to both parks over xmas time. i agree that the studios suck. the only attractions are armageddon and rock and rollercoaster. both of these are right next door to each other at the very back of the park in a deserted corner. the backlot tour is good but seriously lacks something. there are only 2 scenes (catastrophe canyon and reign of fire which isnt very good). the shows are also quite poor. i did the whole park in about 2 hours! i only bothered with armageddon twice over 5 days, but rock and rollercoaster is excellent and got about 40 rides out of me. i dont think even when tower of terror opens that the park will be worth visisting!

disneyland paris is a very nice park though

Nemesis Inferno - The Pressure is Building!
Rare RollerCoaster Resources -

NO NEED TO SHOUT! and i personally was a little disappointed with space mountain. sure, the building looked very nice, but the cannon effects werent working, the launch was weak (especially with rock and rollercoaster a stones throw away), the inride themeing lacked, the inversions seemed to be there just for the sake of having inversions and it was very rough. the music was nice, and it was good for just one or two rides, but anymore than that and it starts to just seem lacking. and it cost £90mil! (about $150mil!!)

Nemesis Inferno - The Pressure is Building!
Rare RollerCoaster Resources -

Disney has created impossible expectations. When Disney-MGM opened in Florida it was "small" and lacked in attractions. There was no Rock 'N Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, far less shows than today and I don't even think the Animation tour was open in the beginning.

As was the case with Disneyland Paris, the Studios will be improved and grow and I have no doubt that in 5-10 years people will be praising that park like they do the main park and the company will be making money hand over fist..

The business unit is still called Euro Disney SCA even though the park name changed to Disneyland Paris.

I personlly really enjoyed this park when I was in Paris back in 2001. The haunted mansion and Pirates rides, as well as the coasters, were just excellent! It is no mystery that I love dark rides and theming and these had to be among the best!
Jeff's avatar

Actually, if the park opened in '90 (it was that year, wasn't it?), Dis-MGM did have the animation tour, because I took it.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -

It opened on May 1, 1989, and yes, Animation was there.

Coaster Grotto - Save your Top 20 Coasters and Track Record Online!

My bad. Was the building much smaller though? I am almost certain there has been an expansion. Either way, MGM was just a shell of what it is today and the same complaints came back then.
A few information tidbits for you....
1. EuroDisney only lost money the first 2-3 seasons, then their finances were restructured, their business model updated, and several key changes in the park. Things have been fine since.

2. The corporation is called Euro Disney, but the resort is called Disneyland Paris Resort.

3. I visited the Studios park in Paris and it is NO comparision to the park in FL when it opened. The park in Florida, even when it opened, had very nice themeing, an interesting layout, and some decent attractions. I'm a huge Disney fan and I LOVE every Disney park, even DCA is an awesome park IMHO. However, Disney Studios Paris is a VERY VERY poor Disney theme park! It is a slap in the face to all Disney fans, and Disney himself! I swear that the layout and theming of this park is on par with Six Flags in some respects. The Six Flags owned parks in Europe are much better. There is ONLY like 9 attractions of which only 2 are rides. The park should AT LEAST be double the size with much better theming, restaurants, shops...just about everything in the park is lacking. Building Tower of Terror will be a big boost, but it needs a complete redo IMHO. The entrance *street*, the big Warehouse with a mock studio street is a complete joke. I could go on, and I honestly can't believe how insignificant the park is. I liked some of the attractions, and would probably visit again, mainly due to the extremely low admission prices at the Paris Disney parks.

*** This post was edited by Ansley on 1/25/2003. ***

Resently being to both, I must admit that the Aerosmith rollercoaster is wicked (but a bit smokey!!!) and the armegedden is pretty rubbish. It may improve, but for those people who have already been, it may deter them from going again even if it does improve! I may not return!

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