Euclid Beach Park's Flying Scooter ride for sale

Thought this was interesting while searching Ebay:

This has got to be one of the first Flying Scooters, EBP purchased this in 1937 I believe...

john peck's avatar
Looks like it's time for me to cash in that 401k!
That was some of the most annoying descriptive text I've ever read. Ebay really seems to breed writing like that.

But interesting anyway and I hope it is sold intact and not broken up.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I just saw that linked from another site. Too bad I don't have the room. :-P


Mamoosh's avatar
This guy would probably have more luck if he listed it on that used rides site [can't remember the URL].
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I forwarded the link to Camden Park. Worth a try at least. ;-)


rollergator's avatar
You mean THIS one Moosh?

Not that I ever check out what's available, mind you... ;)

I hope that this is sold intact. It would be a shame to loose another set of flyers. Like Tina, i'm going to forward the link to a few parks. It is worth a shot. Hopefully they can comeback to the northeast Ohio. ;-)

Jonathan RUEL 400 Productions
Mamoosh's avatar
Yes...thanks, Gator ;)

Anyone here an Ebay user? Perhaps you can email the seller the link Gator supplied.

I sent the seller that link.

I am headed towards Virginia in a couple weeks... I wonder what he would take for the whole ride. *** Edited 6/28/2005 3:08:59 PM UTC by DragonRider***

crazy horse's avatar
Hmmmm, maybe kings island could make a lot of people happy again.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

beast7369's avatar
Or if Holiday World wanted a bigger flying scooter....hmmm......Paula...are you guys seeing this?!!?!
john peck's avatar
Since it came from Old Indiana, I doubt it's in perfect mechanical shape.

He has a kiddie Rocket Ships Ride as well

Hell, Even knoebels could use some replacement tubs and parts.

The tubs look good at least the five or six you can see.

Forward this to all the small parks, There may be some just looking for parts.

Tina, If Camden buys it, Im moving in with ya :)

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
LOL! I doubt they will, but I am sure SOME small park will take advantage of this. They would be crazy not to.


*** Edited 6/28/2005 6:30:46 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

Ryan (the seller) sent me this:

"If you know anyone interested I am willing to sell the complete ride. I only have a few weeks to move these items. Thanks for the advice. "

Jeff's avatar
Well that all depends on what he's asking for the complete ride. I agree that it would be a shame to break it up.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

coasterqueenTRN's avatar bets. Then again there are 5 days left. :-) This will be fun to watch.


*** Edited 6/29/2005 2:56:03 AM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

I think Williams Grove needs these! Although even I wouldn't ride them there, well maybe the first season I would.

They would be perfect at Bushkill Park too!

rollergator's avatar
Flying Scooters....Bushkill....ironic? ;)

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