Error Trapper - RCT2

Well, the famous "error unknown - raised violation" (or whatever) has struck back, this time in RCT2.

I think for some ungodly reason it is correlated with installing block brakes on a giga style coaster. The game runs fine until I add them, then I get the error.

If there's anyone out there who knows anything about what I might be able to do to correct it, let me know. Although I doubt with the game's newness there is anything that can be done.

A bug--or sign that mid course block brakes are evil?

the member formerly known as MisterX

There will probably be a patch for this. Seems like it is a bug. I remember the RCT web-site released patches for Loopy Landscapes, the original RCT shortly after being shelved.

At least you're having fun, right? :)

Yeah, otherwise it's a real nice game. I just have to remember not to use blocks in the middle of the track. Foiled again by those meddling enthusiasts.

I kind of imagined there would be a patch soon. This happens with many games after they're released.

the member formerly known as MisterX

i received that message also and I immediately called the technical support hotline, which off course is long distance. where the h e double hockey sticks is area code 425 anyway? whatever! well i was told to do 2 things, because Direct X8.1 is an updated verision your video & sound card drivers might need to be updated from your computers company website. but then I realized that I didn't have enough memory so I ran to Best Buy and got an upgrade and I've been a happy camper ever since.
Jeff's avatar

Hardware and drivers are not the problem. Very same thing happened to me, I think when I was trying to delete a block after testing it, again, on the gigacoaster. I've got an XP machine with an Athlon 2000+, 512 MB of RAM and a GeForce4... that's not hardware.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Sawblade5's avatar
Yea I get error trappers alot when I try to delete specail segments like the very last piece of track, or anything on a tested Giga Coaster. This is why I save my game alot before construction and durring construction, that way I don't lose anything.


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