Entertaining SFGAdv Story

1) Get over the parking prices. You obviously don't get out of the house much besides going to themeparks. Go to a concert or a sporting event. You'll pay that, or much more for an event that may last a lot less time than you've spent in the park. The Baltimore Sun recently ran an article in which it said they were having to increase the parking citation of people parking illegally at Ravens games, because the $75 fine wasn't deterring enough people.
2) I can think of more parks that don't have parking attendants such as PKD. It doesn't seem to be a problem.
3) Funny, I've always been able to find my car after a trip to SFGadv, in spite of the supposedly bad labeling system.
4) I've never had to wait for a Q-bot, although I will admit I've only tried it twice. I've also didn't have any problems with my Q-bot, except that it was running out of battery life at the end of the day from our constant use.
5) I've thought the attendants have been mostly very good, especially on the bigger rides such as Medusa and Nitro.
6) Are empty seats a Great Adventure problem, or a B&M problem? An Intamin train seats just as many people, but with only two across. With four seats across, you're bound to have this problem all the time. If you held up the train to fill all the empty seats, you'd miss your dispatch time and time again in my opinion (I'll admit lack of experience with this having never worked on a B&M).
7) A park has two log-flumes, two kiddie sections, plenty of flats, and yet the park isn't family friendly? What gives? The state fair comment was really low. How many fairs have a Huss Frisbee or Topspin? How about a Schwarzkopf Enterprise? Or a Chaos? None that I've been to.
8) Why do you need a greeter at a ride? If I want to ride Nitro, than I'm going to ride Nitro. I don't need anyone greeting me.
9) I thought the S:UF comments were dead on.
10) It's spelled BRAKE, not "break". (Soon to be my next signature)
11) Thankfully, the writer sees my way and agrees that Medusa is the best coaster in the park.

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Lord Gonchar's avatar
Wow! That article hit home, huh? :)

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 16

eightdotthree's avatar
intamin fan....

3) i didnt have trouble finding our car, but we did manage to get lost going into the park. there were no signs pointing to the not so obvious entrance and we went towards rolling thunder instead.

6) cedar point manages to get their b&m rides filled 4 accross without missing their intervals. they at the very least fill it to 3 people. they actually use their lungs and call out for single riders.

7) their flat ride selection is OK at best, maybe all the flat rides are located in the little corners no one walks in? and the kids areas had ride ops running between rides.

8) a line greeter would help with two of the parks issues. actually three. 1 - there would be proper line wait times. 2 - there may be less line jumping. 3 - kids who arent big enough to ride would get stopped before waiting in line, solving two more problems, sad and upset guests and ride ops stopping their duties loading the trains to measure said kid.

... looking forward to that new signature. its gonna be sooooo funny.


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1) If you couldn't find the entrance, you obviously missed all the masses of people heading towards the ticket booths
2) There's a height stick at every ride (at least there is at my Six Flags). If you don't take the time to measure your kid or read the brochure map which clearly lists the height requirements, then whose fault is it?
3) The flat ride selection is ok? Again, how many parks have a Topspin, Breakdance, Frisbee, Enterprise, Space Shuttle, Jump, Mad House, not to mention a Roundup, Rotor (they're very rare these days), and Musik Expres. It's in little corners no one walks in? What planet do you live on? They have flats placed all throughout the park.
4) A greeter cannot tell you a proper wait time. And such signs are only suggested waits, not actual times. Most parks don't have them, because of ride breakdowns etc. I doubt a greeter would make any difference in the line-jumping situation. If there job is to height-check and greet, then they obviously can't be watching the line also.
5) That's great that CP fills all available seats. I still say it's a B&M problem that can also be seen on Great Bear at HP.
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My, my, my...

I had read this article and this thread before my first visit this past weekend (see trip report, here.). Thankfully, I didn't hit much in the way of crowds, and was able to hit all of the coasters in under three hours.

I will concur with the prevalence of vandalism, however I found it to be strangely limited to the western half of the park. Where Nitro's lap bar pads were sliced and torn and her queue signs selectively edited, Medusa's entire area, queue, and trains looked like they were brand new. Now, isn't Nitro the newer ride?

As far as employees go, I was pleased to run into Levi at Skull Mountain. With about 8 people on the train and no one waiting, he was still hustling down the line checking lap bars, making sure we got off quickly. In addition, the crew at Nitro did a great job of singling out a couple of line jumpers and not letting them ride.

All in all, I was quite impressed with SFGAdv, and I'm sure I'll be back again someday.

"Everybody has desperate days of quiet questioning.
Everybody has times when they feel like they don't fit in."
- Color Theory, So Many Ways, 2001

eightdotthree's avatar
the vandalism is on that side of the park because so few people can figure out how to get to where medusa is. :)

took me about 1/2 an hour to find the little pathway that leads you to the wild west.

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