Entering a park with a masterpiece.

I would like to know what parks have an almighty entrance piece. SFGAm has the Colombia Carousel which is a double decker merry-go-round. This has to be one of the best entrance pieces in a park. Please let me know what other parks have a standout mark when you enter the park. If it can beat the Colombia Carousel I will be impressed.

How about the castle at Disney World.Or the big silver ball at Epcot.ALso the tree at Animal Kingdom.All three are pretty impressive when you enter the park.
Actually, the fountain/reflection pool and "le tour d'Eiffel" of 'International Street' at PKI is very pretty (especially at night). I would have to say that it competes very well with (if not surpasses) 'Columbia Plaza' (and that's coming from a SFGAm brat).
Yeah, I think Main Street with the castle at the Magic Kingdom is about as good as it gets. No matter how many times I've been there, whenever I step into the park, I feel like I've be transported to another world. It's very, very well done.


Main St. is pretty cool at PKI. I like the entrance to BGW because there is trees all around you, the Big Ben is there, but the best thing is you can'tsee any of the coasters so it really freaks you out.
Fortunately, PGA has the same opening set up. It's still beautiful, and one of the few redeeming qualities about the park. Wonder how long before they remove it like they do everything else. *** This post was edited by Simcoaster on 8/18/2000. ***
The Main Entrance to Hershey Park has a nice aura, there's many tudor style buildings, and classical music playing, it is very welcoming. Then after you hand in your ticket, there's now a German setting, similar to a Bavarian village, which is called Rhein Valley or something like that. The smell of chocolate is in the air, what a great feeling.

Pennsylvania, state of great woodies.
On the other hand: The most disappoint main entrance plaza to me had to be at Islands of Adventure. For a place with such wonderful scenery, the "Port of Entry" Island just seems boring. Pretty much every thing is this dull tan color. I didnt even know what type of 'port' this was supposed to represent until someone told me. And of course, like evey park, they try and take your picture. I dont know about you all, but I think that Seuss Island and Lost Continent would make better backdrops than Port of entry...
Six Flags Marine World. Roar and Medusa are to the immediate left and right of the entrance, and they look spectacular. Although the park gets worse quickly past that...

Although, I do have to give some credit to the original Disneyland. It's just fantastic.
Alton Towers has the towers facing you across the lake as you enter surrounded by trees. A mansion about 3000 years old is a bit hard to beat in my opinion!
Jazzland and Magic Kingdom have great entrances
Jazzland=when you step in you go into a French Quarter atmosphere with a live Brass Band in the Gondola and a Fountain made of brass instruments.
Magic Kingdom= because it feels you stepping in to a story book.

To see Jazzland's fountain go to www.jazzlandthemepark.com

Jeff's avatar
Of the parks I've been to, SFGAm is certainly impressive with that huge carousel. The other park that impressed me was Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Not because of any one thing, but the fact that you're immediately sucked in to the themed environment. Very cool.

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I can't belive no one has mentioned the Midway carousel at Cedar Point's entrance!!! It's the perfect centerpiece to enter a traditional park with such history! In fact, the whole midway is a perfect entrance.

I'll say PKI. It's sweet to enter with all those fountains and the Eiffel Tower replica right in front of ya. Very, very beautiful.

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