Enough with best/worst!

Jeff's avatar
Come on folks... I've noticed a disturbing trend here. Every other topic starts with best/worst/favorite. These kind of topics make for dull conversation and are highly subjective anyway. Can we think of something else to talk about? Please?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

I agree that too much Best/Worst etc. can be redundant (and totally subjective)... But a "disturbing" trend? That seems like a harsh assessment...
Unlike a "Favorite Movie" or similar type site,in this Forum EVERY single person comes with an entirely different history, and our shared comparisons are all we have in many cases. In our eagerness to share & compare, perhaps certain forms of comparison are overused, but every person's opinion ( as well as their prized "track record") plays into every idea, comparison or rating they have. One person's "best" may differ entirely from anothers (especially due to youth or limited chances to travel.), so it is nearly impossible to truly name a best of everything...
I suggest that if you want to change and/or prevent these disturbing trends, then the moderators might need to create new topics or limit the number of certain types of topics per week. With so many new people logging on each day, there's sure to be new posts dealing with previously established/discussed subjects. I think a tolerance for a degree of redundance combined with the creativity of established users in creating fresh topics will help tremendously.
I check this site several times a day, mainly to read the wide diversity of posts from an even more diverse group of users. The subjects to me are always interesting (even the best/worsts) , but if this were to change and turn into a more technical site I'd stop logging on. ( to me THAT would be DULL...)
One of the problems with other coaster sites is the overuse of technical jargon, abbreviations and other insider information that makes the new visitor seem excluded. This site has been very accessible, and part of this has been due to the reader's passions! I love to hear what people love and/or hate about these rides and places. Please don't change that!
Oh well, that's my highly subjective opinion... It may not be the best, but I know it's not the worst either!戀爀㸀਀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ㰀戀爀㸀਀∀夀漀甀 栀愀瘀攀 琀漀 猀挀愀氀攀 愀 氀漀琀 漀昀 氀椀昀琀 栀椀氀氀猀 琀漀 挀漀愀猀琀 攀愀猀椀氀礀⸀⸀⸀∀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䨀愀猀漀渀
I agree with Jeff. I'm not really interested in anyone else's opinions of best or worst, because it doesn't really give me any useful information, and usually starts some sort of pointless subjective argument, or serves as an outlet for someone to feel self-important by starting a new thread based on their opinion. If anyone's interested, I could list my favorite coasters from among the six parks I've been to, but I can't imagine anyone caring, other than the fact that we all like discussing coasters, and we'd rather rehash opinions than not talk about coasters at all.

However, maybe there should be a separate category group (like Trip Reports, News, General Discussion, etc.) in which all of the best/worst/favorite type comparison threads can be contained. It's possible some useful discussions might come about.

I feel dumb, though, because at the moment I can't think of any other topics to start!!!

I dont really care!
Jeff's avatar
Starfire pretty much nailed it on the head, I just didn't have time to explain myself. The moderators and myself have been largely absent lately because we're out riding.

I'm not looking for an analysis of lateral motion dynamics and the effects on the polymers of guide wheels, but superlative threads rarely go anywhere or hold any interest for anyone other than the person who starts the thread. Ask yourself: Are you likely to read through 30 posts to see what everyone's favorite first drop is?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Soggy's avatar
I would. Since I have only 39 coasters in my track record, (soon to be 70) I like to hear about all of those other first drops, endings, themings etc. that I have not yet experienced through the words of others. If you are not interested in such accounts, don't read the thread.

Gotta ride 'em all!
I agree with Soggy, I like hearing what others have to say. It gets boring when people just say the name of a coaster because they aren't telling me what it is they like about it. I like hearing the about highlights, surprises, peeves, choice of seats so I can make my own conclusions about where/how to ride a coaster or if I should bother riding it. That sort of thing helps me a lot.
The best/favorite thing is getting tired. I find myself skipping over these threads more and more now. Although, I'll have to admit that opinions regarding 'who wins worst' can be quite funny.

As for technical stuff... I like the idea. That is as long the threads do not get 'boring technical' (i.e. - complex formulas). I especially enjoy it when someone has a question and posts it. It is a good way to find out information and ideas.
Jeff's avatar
Soggy kind of illustrates my point... many of our members, myself included, have too limited experience to proclaim anything the best or worst. What good would my opinion be if I've never been on a coaster west of the Mississippi? (Hangs head in shame.)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I like the topics that deal with facts or people's experiences, not necessarily their opinions. The recent topic of "Which coasters make you sick or dizzy?" is a good one, because people are relating their experiences. I definitely prefer something like "Which coaster gave you the most bruises" over "Which coaster has the coolest third inversion..."

Jeff's avatar
At least we haven't stooped to the "coldest water fountain" like we did on Guide to The Point last year. ;)

(For the record, it was determined, and I verified, that the coldest water fountain at Cedar Point is indeed the one right opposite of the Disaster Transport exit, probably because you'll never see it if you don't ride it. The second coldest is in the Park Operations office on the side of the Coliseum building.)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Soggy's avatar
Wow! I will be sure to try out this "fountain of youth" this summer, I hope it is still the coldest.

Gotta ride 'em all!

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